1. Right when you thought it wasn't humanly possible for Bush to provide more fodder for his campaign to become the single most clueless person in the history of mankind, he gives this interview:
"I am the very last President not to really have to worry about YouTube" while campaigning for the White House, President Bush told RealClearPolitics in an exclusive Oval Office interview last week,..."The 'gotcha' moments in my campaign in the past were few and far between," the President recalled, noting that with the advent of YouTube candidates have to be "really careful" what they say or "you're liable to see yourself on the Internet, along with 20 million other people."
Thank God there aren't any YouTube vids featuring any of your 'gotcha' moments. Yeah, you really lucked out there buddy!
2. John Kerry was recently visiting Pakistan and when talking about the group allegedly behind the Mumbai attacks, made this telling declaration:
"The country stands before a "moment of change in people's attitudes and thinking" toward militants, Sen. John Kerry said Tuesday in Islamabad.
Pakistan must see that Lashkar-e-Taiba has "morphed into a more al-Qaida-esque and radicalized entity" that is damaging the country's interests, said Kerry, incoming chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee."
He went on to denounce Pakistan for its role in creating the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, calling on the nation to cease using militant groups as foreign policy tools.
Pot meet Kettle.
And to think, he was able to say it with a straight face, fully cognizant of the US role in supporting shadowy militant proxies the world over.
Al-Qaida-esque, you say? I wonder who was the prime supporter of *that* militant group in the 80's?
When will the US stop trekking all over the world, lecturing the natives against practices longtime established in their own foreign policies?
3. I never got around to commenting on this when it was in the headlines, but did you all laugh as much as I did when reading about the CEOs of the Big Three (GM, Ford, Chrysler) pledging to work for $1 a year??!
What a bunch of phony insincere rascals!
I wonder how many of the public were duped by this 'magnanimous' gesture? While they may cut their annual salary down to $1, they'll be sure to cash in with their stock options, bonuses, and special executive incentives.
Check out this Slate article exposing these criminals. Although it was written back in 2003 about the dot com CEOs, the same con game lives on in 2008.
4. Did you all pick up on the game of semantics being played with the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq? In order to maintain his campaign promise of withdrawing all US forces within 16 months, Obama and his administration are creating a difference between 'combat' troops and 'support' troops.
So any troops that will remain in Iraq after 16 months will cease to be combat troops - they'll magically transform into 'support' troops - sorta like those AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) support groups where they all sit in circles and talk about their difficulties.
Not even president yet and you're already breaking campaign promises. Real smooth Obama...real smooth.
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
Hmm. intresting stuff. i love your blog brnaeem!
the one thing i can never understand...there is just so much corruption and bad in this world, how do we fix it? I mean, if america wants to go to war with Iran, what can we do about it, if the palestinians are being killed what do we do about it, if everyday all these atrocities are commited, what is there to do?
Sure we can all be good muslims, keep a strong relationship with Allah and the Prophet, but what of the rest of the world?
-The Muslim Kid-
Br. Naeem, I'm gonna have to ask you to keep your posts to one random thought at a time so that us mere mortals can keep up! I mean, do you expect us to comment on FOUR (or was it five?) of the most crucial current events at once?
Hey Muslim Kid, don't forget Allah swt is in charge but we still have to do our part - be a good Muslim and make duaa or protest or whatever it might be. I'm sure the Children of Israel were asking the same thing when Pharaoh and his cronies were bearing down upon them and there was an endless sea of water blocking their way! But Musaa (AS) still did his small part and struck the ground with his staff, right?
Don't get me wrong Muslim Kid, I so feel you on that but we have to trust in Allah and do our tiny part insha'Allah and the rest is in His "Hands".
AA- MuslimKid,
Good question. My take on this has always been about reforming the self. It all starts with you. Then you work your way out, with your family, friends, community.
In addition to self-cleansing, we need to educate ourselves. Open our eyes to the injustices taking place ALL over the world, at the hands of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. We need to educate those around us and counter the efforts and propaganda by big government and MSM.
AA- Sahra,
Thanks for nicely bringing it back to the Quran. Indeed the story of Musaa (AS) as well as so many other prophets teach us what to do when the odds seem stacked against us. Verily anything and everything is possible with the help of Allah (swt)!
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