Dear Me,
What the hell is wrong with you?!
You need a serious kick in the rear end.
When's the last time you woke up for tahajjud, that most sincere mode of direct and solemn communication with your Creator?
That's ok dude, I already know. I won't embarrass you.
Ramadan is around the corner – when was the last time you fasted a volunteer fast?!
You pranced around all proud of yourself for having completed reciting the entire Quran last Ramadan, but what have you done in the 10 months since?
You pompous ignoramus.
You claim to worship Allah alone, but the idols of personal whims and worldly desires are firmly established in you, having gained top priority.
You aspire for a polished heart, but you fear the abrasive nature of the Prophetic sand-paper.
You claim to love your 'Beloved', but remain ignorant of his sublime character and temperament.
What a joke!
You are ever so sensitive to the slightest breach of your rights, while boorishly stomping on the rights of others.
You hold such low opinions of those around you, chastising them for the most trivial of missteps, while overlooking your own colossal blunders.
When will you wise up to your shortcomings?
You pray as though you're releasing a burden, saving your passion for other fickle endeavors.
You recite the Quran as though you're in a race to get it over with.
You feed your anger instead of feeding the poor.
Your eyes wander recklessly, showing no control, like some wild boar.
Your tears flow more freely for a cheesy film than for your egregious faults.
In the hierarchy of your love, Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) lie somewhere between your children and their breakfast cereals.
Your ugliness knows no bounds. You make me sick.
Disappointed, Disturbed, and Disgusted,
Musk, Goodwin, racism and rape
5 days ago
"You hold such low opinions of those around you, chastising them for the most trivial of missteps, while overlooking your own colossal blunders."
"You pray as though you're releasing a burden, saving your passion for other fickle endeavors."
I can totally relate.
"You pray as though you're releasing a burden, saving your passion for other fickle endeavors.
You recite the Quran as though you're in a race to get it over with.
You feed your anger instead of feeding the poor"
painful to read
The first step is the acknowledgement.
Now comesthe easy part.
It is not from the sunnah to talk about one's faults to people who cannot do anything about it. This in itself is a fault.
Assalamo elikuim
I have been an avid reader of your blog. Mashallah very nice.
Many of us can identify with "Letter to my Nafs" . Thanks for writing it.As one commenter said the first part acknowledgment is done, now step 2 ..
might I add....
while ever ready to expose others secrets...completely consumed with hiding your own.
prepared to spend small fortunes in the mall...but pained to give even small amounts at the mosque etc.
working so hard to recite the Quran with perfect tajweed but failing to let it enter your heart perfectly.
sigh....if i spent as much time correcting my own faults as i do complaining of others...I might actually get somewhere in life.
Is it from the sunnah to give naseeha publicly when you see one commit a mistake? Just wondering?
Also, great post. I think you should add somewhere in there, "Be nicer to MrEspy in gchat convo's"
AA- Anon,
"It is not from the sunnah to talk about one's faults to people who cannot do anything about it. This in itself is a fault."
Not true. Depends on the intention, no?
In addition to helping me reflect on my own weaknesses, I would hope that it will help others do the same.
May Allah guide us all to His nearness.
AA- All,
@LifeaGift, really? you think now comes the easy part? I'm not sure I would agree. I'm curious to hear your thoughts, bro.
@UmmOsman, welcome my dear sister. Ahh yes, the next step...and thus the journey begins (for the nth time)...
@CoolRed, thank you for those beautiful additions.
"sigh....if i spent as much time correcting my own faults as i do complaining of others...I might actually get somewhere in life."
Ain't that the truth!!
@MrEspy, "I think you should add somewhere in there, "Be nicer to MrEspy in gchat convo's""
Hey now! at least show some love for adding you back on the blogroll...
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