Hate is a powerful emotion. It stirs up images of rage and violence. It reeks of loss of control. It places one in a position of arrogance and certainty, distancing one from humility and modesty.
Its one thing to hate on issues of black/white, but really, how many of those are there?
I'm talking about hate when it comes to the gray areas. I'm very cautious in opening my jar of hate on any debatable issue. I reserve my feelings of hate for the truly evil abominations, such as rapists, pedophiles, capitalists, MSM, and the sort.
So when it comes to my relationship with America, I don't consider it love-hate. Its more a like-dislike thingie.
And so, to prove that my recent post on why I can't love America wasn't rooted in any irrational hatred against the US, I decided to counter with a list of reasons why I don't hate America:
Because it's essentially a meritocracy. You work hard, you do well. You slack off, you pump gas.
Because rule of law not only exists but is the societal norm. The exception occurs when the law is broken, as opposed to the other way around. Yes, I realize I’m working with pretty low standards here (read Muslim world).
Because of American higher education. Eventhough their primary and secondary schools suck bigtime, the universities are the best in the world.
Because cleanliness is contagious. Americans have pride in keeping their communities and surroundings clean.
Because Americans are polite. 'Thank you', 'please', 'nice to meet you', holding the door open, letting you merge in, waving as you pass by – all small acts of kindness and politeness which reveal a desire to be nice to their fellow human.
Because the underprivileged and the outcast and the neglected of society are given due attention. Whether it’s the handicapped or the divorced mother of three or the ex-con trying to get his life back, America gives them the opportunity to be more than just a burden on society.
Because their anti-immigrant xenophobia is nowhere close to the levels seen in many European countries. Immigrants aren't cordoned off into ghettos, but are actually given the opportunity to integrate into greater society.
Because Muslims are more free to practice their religion in America than most anywhere else in the world. Sad but undeniably true.
Tried to add more to this list, but struggled to come up with anything else.
New twist on moonsighting fitnah
3 weeks ago
Well done.
I agree with your statement about hate, you shouldn't put the hate in too many sentences, only for things absolutely required.
I would add that I enjoy the exceptional customer service compared to other countries.
I like the wide range of sport activities that women are allowed to play here and can even make a decent living doing so. I know that in some places of the world I would have never been allowed if to not by culture but just because of lack of facilities to snow board, ride hunter seat and race my friends across VA’s back country, play basketball, and have a chance to sit and learn from some of the best around. So many of the top sports figures are male and that would have greatly limited my ability to improve. Some things I think are a bit to much for women to try (like bull riding even if I love to watch it). However, the fact that the culture allows for it to possibly entertain is what makes it so cool.
We have some of the best amusement parks in the world.
We have Ben's Chili bowl, Timbuktu crab cakes, In & Out Burger, Kin Kaid’s, and the corner store Chinese carry out that delivers up until 2am for a minimum order of 10.00. :-p
We have go-go.. yes.. yes.. I know, but I'm thinking about classic Chuck Brown go go.
Our system isn't perfect but our government structure and process is pretty good. I would certainly say so on the local levels. However, I have found that when voter turn out is low in certain areas you will find more corruption and lack of services.
Even if we (as a nation) go a bit too far for animals, I still can't deny that we have some of the hardest laws on the books for animal cruelty.
Ok, I just asked my husband and he said that he loves the religious freedom, his right to bare arms, the “freedom” women enjoy, the people (for the most part), and just the general openness of the society.
We'll ponder on it some more and get back to you.
I second customer service! Man, even in Canada it's hard to find.
You could add ... The cost of living is pretty low
There's affordable land for sale if you want to move away from the city...
Can't think of much more then that either
AA- Hijaboverrated,
Nice list sis!
I tried to make a list of social customs/institutions that aren't available in any way whatsoever (exact or analagous) in other societies.
I stayed away from specifics (such as restaurants or stores) for there are surely amazing places to eat all over the world, while bureaucratic efficiency (which you mentioned) is available in most other places...
BTW, what is Chuck Brown go-go??
AA- socrunchy,
"The cost of living is pretty low "
Huh? Which part of Montana do you live in?? :-)
Actually, I find the comment about "exceptional customer service" amusing, no offense intended. You see, when I lived in Korea, my colleagues and I were stunned at the level of their customer service, which was head-and-shoulders above the level of customer service in our own countries (US, Canada, Ireland). We all said, "If we could start a business back home that had Korean customer service levels, we'd make a fortune!" :)
Customer service in the Middle East is practically non existent. After living here 21 years Im of the opinion...most stores dont really care if you buy from them or not...
nice blog
Naeem here is your DC music history lesson for only $9.99. :-p
Classic go-go artist Chuck Brown
We also have NASCAR, PBR Bullriding, UFC, WEC,Tapout,foxnews(^w#$&#*), THE VA GOLD CUP (yes, yes I know this is nothing compared to the Dubai cup but still its the pride of VA) and some of these things can be found in other countries with unique elements of there own.
Jsdg- I didn't say USA has the best customer service in the world but it's certainly exceptional compared to plenty of other countries.
Speaking of customer service, America does offer amazing return policies!! In Saudi and Pakistan (where I have experience), once the money exchanges hands, you're on your own.
While in the US, I've seen my wife return stuff a year after she bought it, without the box and no receipt!!!
My guess is that billion-dollar multinational corporations are able to enact such 'gracious' policies based on their enormous margins of profit, due to free-trade deals as well as the abuse of cheap labor.
@Coolred38, welcome! And I concur that workers in the stores care not a bit whether you buy or not. On the other hand, the store owners will hound you and bug you to buy something, basically running you out of the store.
"We also have NASCAR, PBR Bullriding, UFC, WEC,Tapout,..."
You forgot WWF! :-P
I was thinking about WWF... but I'm not sure it its a good thing or not.
I have gone to 1 WWF event about 5 years ago when my husband was courting me. He officially became "cool" to me at that point. lol
asalaam alaikum warahmat Allah wabaraktu br naeem,
excellent post i am again with you on these points you made.
there is much good to the US that it saddens me sometimes that it is not seen amongst muslims nations..but these beauties can be viewed as tricks of the trade belonging to shaitan, no? call me suspicious..but these great qualities are aimed at sugar-coating the immorality of society as a whole that sweeps up any issue as a violation of 'freedom'- for example the gay marriages in ma. and now cali..
you know the big house with the white picket fence? that's america, and once you step on the other side you realize that the grass isnt so green...and thats only if your deen is your priority...
if the countries followed the societal norms you mention, the cleanliness the west promotes, organization and proper time management skills, respect for elders and children through advocacy and all else..
but our ummah needs much improvement before any of that can happen i guess, and so we are left to remember that the only place of perfection is jannah..everywhere is a challenge and no one's got it easy..but what are we going to struggle for? for donia..or for giving up some of the donia for the sake of Allah?
just my thoughts..
just read my comment and realized it may have been a little off (especially at the end) topic, sorry about that!!
The manhattan pizza!
Nice Sharing Thanks For This Information
I like the wide range of sport activities that women are allowed to play here and can even make a decent living doing so. I know that in some places of the world I would have never been allowed if to not by culture but just because of lack of facilities to snow board, ride hunter seat and race my friends across VA’s back country, play basketball, and have a chance to sit and learn from some of the best around. So many of the top sports figures are male and that would have greatly limited my ability to improve. Some things I think are a bit to much for women to try (like bull riding even if I love to watch it). However, the fact that the culture allows for it to possibly entertain is what makes it so cool.
I'm from Canada. You have articulated the best of North America.
Ridiculous as it may seem, I could not live in KSA for many years: I would be unable to ride a bike daily for my health and for long distances. :) Blasephemous I suppose for a 50+ yr. old woman like myself. Right? (Meaning you could do exactly what I'm doing with your daughters with no disapproval from society.)
I am an immigrant daughter of parents from Communist China. They came to Canada in 1950's just after Mao took over. I am acutely aware how incredibly lucky my life as been to be born and raised in Canada --despite family poverty (6 children with father as cook and mother as housewif) in Canada.
It is very true that a person can with preservance, ability to learn new skills, etc., choose a different path in life that may be better later.
As for all the "vices" of an increasingly secular society in North America, it is also possible that is possible to be: compassionate, honest, respectful and faithful....without be aligned to any particular religion. But it does require parental upbringing that is loving yet demonstrating children clearly consequences of their own poorly thought out decisions.
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