The nominations for this years Brass Crescent Awards are check them out.
Fittingly, yours truly is not among the finalists, as it's simply not possible to categorize my astounding writing skills. Just not possible folks.
But I will go out on a ledge here and categorically declare that if there existed a category for best Muslim blog by an American-Muslim of Pakistani descent, living in Riyadh, with wife and three kids, one named Humza - I would most definitely win.
I think.
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
Salam, wait for the category for those with a W.I.F.E. who wants a flysquatter, then I am sure you would win! LOL!
Salaam Naeem. This is preposterous! How can anyone have an award for blogging that does not include the EMPEROR of all bloggers? They are hijacking the blogosphere and, more importantly, the Islamsphere! We have been Bamboozeled (sp?)! Hood-winked (sp?)! Run amuck (sp?)! I-DEMAND-A-RECOUNT!
I was REALLY disappointed that you did not win for design, how absurd! Perhaps if you have a picture of yourself with painted lids, you'll be taken more seriously?!
All joking aside - your blog is my fave. ~sahra
LOL, I would certainly vote for you in such a category :)
Ya Haqq!
Br. Naeem, you would have been on my short-list anytime!
I think you don't do enough "ijtihad" and don't have enough preposterous viewpoints to make it brass. Only if you could have taken the opportunity to blast a few holes in ahadith or establish some new Islamic opinions, ushering in a new golden age of fiqh, and you know you would have been in, don't you??
I think you are more like gold category, while brass isn't quite up your alley yet. Let's just say that we have something up our sleeves to start fixing this mess up ;)
P.S. MM did make it in, strangely enough because there are a total of 5 group blogs in the blogosphere, so we were in by default :) Or I guess a couple of "traditional" tokens help, if you get my drift.
oh, btw, my previous comment was in jest to keep up with the post humor.
P.S. Jest with a point or two :)
@UmmBilal, Gee, thanks for the support! I think... :-)
@Sahra, Emperor of all bloggers, eh?? I kinda prefer the Sultan..heh.
@Irving, thanks bro! And I would vote for you as best Muslim blogger who always ends his comments with the most beautiful call of Ya Haqq! :-)
@Amad, your comment was TOO funny bro! Keep up the great work at MM!
I think you deserve an award! Where do I go to vote? I better not have to drive anywhere though because I CAN'T DRIVE HERE!!!
naeem I think you deserve a spot.
read amads post tho I don't see the humor and don't see the points.
the judges were
Svend White of Akram's Razor
Umm Zaid of Sunni Sister
Laura Poyneer of veiled4allah
Yahya Birt of Musings on the Britannic Crescent.
not exactly manji... and which of the nominations are crazy ijithadi and 'progressive'? very few
sounds like MM is going to make a new awards, wonderful, bring in the fitnah to the blogosphere
@Susie, thanks for the comments. My wife is constantly driving over here in Riyadh...driving me crazy, that is... hahahaha...I made a funny!
@Anon, "and which of the nominations are crazy ijithadi and progressive'? very few"
So you admit that *some* nominations were crazy ijtihadi and progressive? So why get upset when Amad points that out?
Honestly, I seriously don't have a problem with the variety expressed in their choices. Of course, people can debate and disagree - the good folks at BrassCrescents won't be able to please everyone.
I appreciate Amad's remark as it embodies the criticism from one side of the Muslim blogsphere. No biggie. I empathize with that viewpoint, although I wouldn't support an effort that restricted nominees to a restricted definition of 'proper' Muslim.
Different folks, different strokes.
I think the Aziz and Shahed over at Brass Crescents have already stated that they would welcome other awards - this award business need not be a monopoly. No fitna, IMO.
Salaam 'alaikum.
I can't say I've ever been terribly impressed with a number of the Brass Crescent winners and nominees over the years. Some of them I read consistently (as in they're on my RSS reader) and, while they're interesting (otherwise they wouldn't be on the reader), I think, "this is nomination-worthy?" I think not. The BCA is just another popularity contest; I won't be voting for anyone (again).
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