Great news people! The BC's are out and this deserves a Good News Post, sorta (see my objections below). But since I don't have a Sorta Good News Post category, I'll file this under a regular GNP.
The good folks at Altmuslim and City of Brass have come out with their 4th annual Brass Crescent awards. Although they didn't announce it publicly, inside sources tell me that the winner of each category will get a years supply of chocolate covered dates, a teddy-bear named Jesus, and a million dollars.
Wait, you haven't heard of the BC's? Uhmmm, were you raised by a pack of wolves or a gang of gorillas? The BC's are to the Muslim blogosphere what the Oscars are to Hollywood.
And the greatest travesty of the BC's is that my blog should have been this year's Titantic (referring to the movie that won 11 awards, not the actual ship that didn't do as well).
I poured my heart and soul into every blog post and all I have to show for it is a measely Best Series nomination?! That's like winning an Oscar for Best Special Effects...everyone's clapping while thinking 'Is that even a category?'
So I think it behooves me to enlighten the BC folks and everyone else in the blogosphere how I qualify for ALL the other categories:
Best Blog: How many bloggers are brave and edgy enough to post about Matt Dillon dreams? That alone should have locked me in as the winner.
Most Deserving of Wider Recognition: My investigative journalism exposed the cover-up behind a UN official smuggling drugs out of Afghanistan.
Best Female Blog: There is no room for sexism in Islam and I have openly celebrated my feminine side on my blog. Just read my Ode to Breastfeeding. Oh and notice how I placed THREE exclamation marks in the post announcing my daughters birth. Many Pakistanis would have put a sad face, but not me – I'm all about women's right to be born. And did I mention that I had a dream about Matt Dillon?
Best group blog: I'm very moody and borderline schizophrenic. Does that qualify me for Group blog?
Best Mideast/Central Asian blog: My better half is Arab and I currently live in Saudi Arabia. And what's up with the inclusion of Central Asia? What do the nice people in Nicaragua and El-Salvador have to do with Muslim bloggers?
Best South/Southeast Asian Blog: I'm a brown man and I once wrote a personal letter to Nawaz Sharif. I also posted on the newest intriguing soap opera called 'Pakistani Politics'.
And what gives with the Best African Blog category?! Its like non-existent. And if it did exist, I would clearly warrant a nomination based on my in-depth coverage of Eritrea, the Nile controversy, and Australia.
Best non-Muslim blog: Uhmmm...(scratching my head)...some of my best friends are non-Muslim?? Ok, fine I'll skip this one.
Best Post or Series: Yeah, ok, so they threw me this crumb...I won't rest until I dominate!!
Best Multimedia blog: Folks, this is such an insult. Which blogger introduced the Muslim online community to the laughing Yoga, the Human Tetris, (even Best Blog nominee Yahya Birt found this noteworthy) AND dorky human Transformers?? Hint: It wasn't Baba Ali.
Best Ijtihad: I'm no Mujtahid, but I humbly present to you the single most important Ijtihad of the year: Ihram Improvement (sure, it wasn't my own ijtihad, but I was one of the scant few who publicized and embraced it). Fine, if you wanna be a stickler, how about my Tarawih innovation to separate the prayer halls into burping and non-burping sections. Not impressed? How about my calls for Iftar Reform?
Having proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that my blog is number vun (and that I have lots of free time), I call on my loyal readership to boycott the BC's and instead flood the organizers with a massive email campaign. They'll never know what hit them when they see their inboxes overflowing with emails from all 13 of my readers (defiantly clenching fist in the air).
In the meanwhile, go ahead and vote for my Best series nomination – but don't do it for me - rather, think of it as a vote for Maryam's, Humza's, and Ayah's college fund! Besides, by the time they hit college, a million bucks will only pay for their first two years.
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
Congrats, Naeem! You know you are right - you should definitely win the best female blog award for your amazing insight into breastfeeding! :)
You are funny, brother and I love that about your blog!
BTW, I voted for you.
assalamu aleikum,
save some votes for Nzingha!
assalam alaikum brnaeem
I just had a read through all the linked posts here and let's say if there was a vote, you would have mine :)
AA- Anonymous,
Nzingha, I know its you! Stop trying to pimp your blog here. Only space for one shameless self-promoter here.
"save some votes for Nzingha!"
And which votes are you suggesting we save for you? If you bothered to read my post, you would realize that I'm calling for votes in ALL categories go to ME. (Well, not really, you can keep the best blog design award..not really interested in that one.)
So step off and leave the self-promoting to a real pro.
AA- Suroor,
"BTW, I voted for you."
Does that mean I'm obligated to vote for your blog (Best Female Blog)? :-P
Fine, but only because of your bellybutton lint fetish. :-)
It wasn't nzingha, it was me,
She was one of the sisters who first taught me about Islam about 10 years ago when she lived in the Sates, and I reconnected with her through her blog.
Words cannot thank her enough for her kindness and the things she taught me.
You won't let me live it down, will you - my 'secret' fetish? :)
I see some good writing here. Maybe you will get nominated next year for this hilarious post?
Got here from Suroor. This is a funny post. So agree with your taraweeh innovation.
This entry was hilarious! :)
Good luck in the best post/series category!
haha bro, I love you for the sake of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)!
Salaam 'Alaikum
OK. Best post for next year?
AA- Musulmana,
"It wasn't nzingha, it was me,
LOL! I knew it wasn't one (but me) can be so obnoxious to comment on blogs soliciting votes for their own blog. :-)
AA- All,
Thanks for the kind remarks.
@Umm Zaid: "OK. Best post for next year?"
Crumbs I tell ya...throwing me crumbs - but for a starving man, crumbs will suffice. :-)
Thanks for the support!
Just hysterical. Thanks!
You're too funny bro, wish I could show my funny side on my blog as good as you do! :)
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