This post is for all you naysayers who deny the existence of a clash of civilizations between Islam and the West. I have finally found the smoking gun and will gladly take your apologies in the comments section.
First of all, we have the infamous Salman Rushdie being knighted by the Queen of England. What a collective slap in the face to the Muslim Ummah! Such honorific titles and awards are to be bestowed upon select individuals. What's next? President Bush will give the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Carol Burnett!? Oh wait, my bad.
On second thought, this same honor of knighthood has already been awarded to the likes of Hamid Karzai, Alan Greenspan, and US Generals Tommy Franks and Norman Schwarzkopf so I guess its only fitting that Rushdie get his.
And if that ignominy wasn't bad enough, the kuffar are now using 'science' to steal the legacy of our Muslim Nile. The blasphemous Brazilians are claiming to have the longest river in the world, which every Muslim schoolkid knows is a blatant lie. Such conspiracies to topple our place on top cannot be tolerated. The Nile must always remain the longest river in the world just as K-2 in Pakistan is the highest mountain peak in the world (contrary to what the infidels at Wikipedia say). To claim otherwise is simple de-Nile (ouch, that was bad).
On that sour punchline, I will open the floor for apologies.
Musk, Goodwin, racism and rape
5 days ago
I apologize :-(
If it makes you feel better I'm sorry. Samuel Huntington's "Clash of the Civilizations" was and still is nonsense though. Rushdie's being knighted means nothing .. its just sign of the times.
Hmmm...I'm still not feelin' it. I need a bit more sincerity in your apology.
Seriously, of course Rushdie becoming a knight is irrelevant (just like Carol Burnett's award)...I was just having a bit of fun at how serious we Muslims have gotten.
But don't tell me you aren't a bit riled about the whole Amazon/Nile controversy. ;-)
It will be like this, apologize:-(
(rusdi- without Salman)
Sure i apologize. Im sorry ur jokes r so lame!
Anonymous, what's with all the animosity? :-P
I'm getting a feeling that some people didn't get the tongue-in-cheek nature of my post....oh well, I guess I'll go back to satire school and take some more courses. :-)
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