I've written about this before here and here, so sadly its dejavu' all over again...again. The London car bomb scare seems to be another case of the government and its sidekick media going to extremes to paint an apocalyptic landscape.
Keith Olbermann at Countdown has a nice segment where facts are separated from fiction and the threat of this 'Iraqi-style terror' is debunked.
I won't go as far as to deny the existence of the whackos who are behind this stunt, but let's get real. The ex-CIA expert in the interview explained that the worst a person would have suffered would have been sharp ear pain. As he concluded in the interview, "We need to put it in its proper perspective….and lets stop with the alarmist behavior."
Its this same 'alarmist behavior' that feeds the egos of the nutjobs perpetrating these acts as well as the agenda of the shady administration trying to protect us from it. One madness complementing the other madness. How nice.
Here is the link to the video. Thanks to the Largest Minority for the heads up!
New twist on moonsighting fitnah
3 weeks ago
############# Fake Terrorism ###################
http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=6705 ---- USS Liberty---to blame Egyptians
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=5837 ---- trick in Lebanon
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=5904 ----- JFK plot
########## Sponsoring terrorist groups ##### age-old tactics#########
################The game of the devil ######################
The top rung of Freemasonry, the Illuminati are a loose alliance (like the mob)of Jewish finance and British/America/European aristocracy joined by marriage, money and belief in the occult (Freemasonry.)The Jesuits who control the Vatican are also on board.
the Illuminati consist of selected members of dynastic Jewish central banking families intermarried with Euro-American aristocracy, along with Jesuits, who have reached the highest degrees of Kabalistic Freemasonry
An illuminati declares ------
"It is from us that the all engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists and utopian dreamers of every kind...striving to overthrow all established forms of order. All states are in torture... but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super government..."
-------- Islamic view -----------
www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=5804 ---- shocking secrets
http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=5405 ---------good analysis
http://rochester92.vox.com/library/post/the-infamous-albert-pike-pt-2.html ------ Pike letter
www.geocities.com/cliff_shack/articles.html ------ website
http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=1----about NWO---
http://www.savethemales.ca/001260.html ####### Illuminati Primer #########
http://www.savethemales.ca/001614.html ######### Bill Gates #########
################# NWO and Vatican ####################
http://letsrollforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=17239&sid=eb401ccb92d98e72d01fac436822e396 -------- Titanic
############ Virginia Tech Shooting Secrets ###### ####Promoting Gun Control#####
######## ################ sep 11 #######################################
http://www.govsux.com/Israeli_9-11_Hijacker%20.htm ------voice in the cockpit -----
http://www.911blogger.com/node/3641 ######### good intro ######
http://team8plus.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?2484 ######## Atta's doubles
http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=6195 -------hired experts-civil engineers-
############## NWO ## London Bombing #####################
############# NWO ### Money Secrets############################
############### NWO Darwinism ####################
######################## Understanding Hegelian dialectics #########################################################
'' There can no longer be any doubt among Muslims everywhere that
a) there is no war on terrorism but there is a war on the World Muslim Community,
b) that terrorism, while not only repellant, has no record inside any Islamic polity in fifteen hundred years of its history, with the exception of the heretical and cast-out sect of the Isma‘ilis,
c) that part of the terrorism may be programmed by kafir secret services,
d) that the current terrorism is now widely acknowledged to have its classical model in Czarist Russia, and thus is an intrinsic part of the internal crisis in late capitalism,
e) that terrorism has become an instrument of the current power system to hammer and intimidate millions of Muslims into leaving the Deen and taking on the masonic doctrine of Tolérance,
and f) that the end of servile collaboration with the kuffar will result in the mass imprisonment and murder of the world Muslim population. "
For a history of genocide of Muslims in Europe and Russia , see
Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922
by Justin McCarthy
Also recent genocide in Bosnia
" We now come to the crucial strategic question. Following the rules of our fiqh, having identified what the issue is, we then have to ask a question which is like a lever that lifts the matter and points it in a particular direction that will lead to resolution of the affair. The question we must now ask is—who stands to gain by the act of terrorism? "
".... the Kuffar are at present operating a dialectic, one in which they orchestrate both opposing elements in order to arrive at their desired conclusion. This dialectic we have named Political Isma‘ilism, this being the most appropriate deviation out of Islam, since it fits the present age. The thesis is to let loose a series of acts of terror of such dreadfulness that in the end it drives that body accused of the terror, both in disgust and exhaustion, to its opposite. The antithesis is then offered to the now guilty and shamed community. The desired solution which emerges, claiming to be rationality after chaos, and justice after injustice, is offered up as Tolérance. It is preferable that we use the term in its French orthography, since it was consciously conceived as one of the power instruments of the emerging atheist state following the French Revolution. It is a significantly irrational doctrine, while it poses as being the opposite. If examined, it is clear that it is a power instrument aimed at one group to subvert them to the value structure of the opposing group. In other words, it has a uni-directional dynamic. We mean by that, a doctrine of tolerance orders the accused group, “Tolerate us!†It contains in it no possibility of a reverse process by which the group demanding tolerance offer tolerance to the accused group. It is vital this is understood. “You must tolerate us-but your position is intolerable because you try to subvert us by terror.â€
It follows from this process that the desired synthesis is in fact the abolition of the guilty community, either by elimination of them in the apparently just war, the War against Terror, or by a total assimilation in which there is nothing left of the ethos being tested by the dialectic.
If we turn to the application of the political doctrine of Tolérance, we are faced with a much graver situation. The adherence to this doctrine, the preaching of this doctrine, the support of this doctrine, the call of others to this doctrine, is an active participation in the kafir programme for the total abolition of Islam in our time. The Nazi ideology declared its policy to be “Kirche, Küche und Kinder†(Church, Kitchen and Children), a peaceful “life-enhancing†programme, while the implementation of this sweet programme immediately demanded the extermination of the race they considered were not committed to these values. Tolérance stands in that same relationship to the planned and already activated programme of the genocide of the Muslims.
As of today the largest and most ignominious enactment of the fantasy project pretends a metaphysical ‘War on Terror’, while in reality it is a desperate programme to hinder an Islamic renewal knowing that such an event will simply lead to an abandonment of paper currencies and the world usury system of banking. The strategy of the banking elite was to re-define the world’s final and greatest religion as its opposite, and to destroy it completely by making its mass of people accept that if it was not Terror it was a passive individualist slave Tolerance.
The sinister element of the present situation is that the kafir world system knows perfectly well what Islam is, and terrorism gives them their licence to kill.
In order to reach and achieve this final stage, which in their hallucination they even call the end of history, one genocide remains. Yet this last phase, which we can call this present attrition, and which will become a policing and an enslaving of a people, will not be for their race or their class, but their religion. The atheist-humanist society, armed with its weapons of mass destruction and an immeasurable technological power, has decided openly to declare war on Islam.
Given the dialectical thinking of the humanists and in accord with how they conducted themselves in the last century, before wiping us out they have to characterise us, the Muslims, in such a form that their humanist masses will confirm the detached and necessary diagnosis which insists on our removal. The instrument, the chosen instrument for the delineation of the Muslim as an unacceptable rogue factor in a society whose fundamental principle is the denial of Divine worship, is to define the Muslims as being doctrinally committed to acts of terror and irrational, suicidal violence. It is against this background that we are forced to examine the emergence of a suicide culture spreading from the Middle East, and the legislative attacks by the so-called democracies on the education and social modalities of Muslim communities. It must be borne in mind that in the nation-state system, Islam has already been pre-defined as an alien and suspicious phenomenon. This leaves us with two social dynamics that we must now deal with as a Muslim World Community. Firstly, the mechanism and function of the terrorist programme, purportedly from us to them.
A dialectic has been set up by our enemies, forcing us to either the thesis, about to be destroyed, or the antithesis, about to supplant the former, resulting in a synthesis which will be nothing less than the abolition of the Deen of Islam. In other words, we stand between ‘terrorism’ and ‘tolerance’, a scenario in which we end up with Islam reduced to an interior private religion with its own holidays and forms of worship, only aesthetically different from the christians, the buddhists and the judaeists, for they are all in the washing machine. At present we only have the media version of the terror. The temptation is, for intelligent Muslims do not buy it, to take recourse to conspiracy theory. This again is another of the kafir technical procedures. Once we imply a conspiracy, we can be dismissed under a psychiatric category. This is why, however uncomfortable it may be for us, we must look at this matter of terrorism detachedly. We must cast a cold eye on this programmatic call to a war on terrorism.
This brings us to a further dimension of the ‘War on Terror’. Inside America, apart from the loss of life and the grief of the families of the WTC destruction, and do remember that it is a much lower statistic than that of the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the real result of the terrorist attack has been an astonishing legislation which has basically wiped out two hundred years of the much-vaunted civic freedom and open society rules which have governed the USA. It has also introduced and instituted an ongoing secret and civic police persecution of the growing millions of Muslims in the USA. It should not be forgotten that Islam is the dominant religion of the black community and the prison community, also it is a growing religion among the Hispanic community. It is for this reason also that there is no way in which we can wisely predicate that we have a war against the USA or the EU, for in the latter Islam is now the dominant religion.
We must take a path that goes beyond ‘terror’ and ‘tolerance’. We must reject this dialectic that forces us to that synthesis which reduces us simply to enter the one great shopping mall and be fellow consumers with the kuffar.
Bush & Cheney, which I term the principals of the Bushliburton administration, have been foisting off the terrorism threat since 2001/09/11, not because world terrorism has grown exponentially since that date, but as cover for their own agenda. An agenda that plays on fear and ignorance in order to further the interests of their true constiuency, big business.
Bushliburton has skillfully played off the fanatics of the American fundamentalist religious right against a false stereotype of all Muslim people. Just as Islamist extremists play on the fears of the mainstream population in their world about crusaders from the west.
It is all about power and those with a voracious appetitie for power and a propensity to abuse it.
All of humankind has the potential to live in peace and harmony with each other and the Earth. A simple enough concept, but a real challenge to achieve.
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