Organic Muslimah has a very simple, yet very powerful post on the sins we commit and the Love displayed by Allah (swt) in concealing those sins. I highly recommend you all to give it a quick read and then turn to Allah (swt) and thank Him for His Mercy in concealing our misdeeds, shortcomings, sins, and errors.
Her post reminded me of a powerful dua'a made by Sh. Zulfiqar Ahmed, the spirit of which I have incorporated into this dua:
"Ya Allah, on that Day when I will be standing before You with nothing but my deeds, I beg of You to show Mercy on my pitiful soul. I beg of You to forgive me for all my shortcomings and please Ya Allah, please do not take me to account for all that I have done.
I am truly embarrassed and ashamed.
But if You must take account of all my sins,
if You must expose me for the charlatan that I have been,
if You must reveal the despicable demons thriving in the depths of my soul,
if You must divulge the details of my horrid past in front of all mankind,
Then please Ya Allah, I beg of You not to do so in front of my beloved Muhammad (saw). Please conceal my hisaab (accounting of deeds) from him (saw).
Ya Allah, it would kill me to see the look of disappointment on his face,
to see how I've let him down,
to see him shaking his head in disbelief at the monstrosity of my mistakes,
to see him saddened by my heedlessness,
to see him embarrassed to have me counted as one of his Ummah.
Please do not let him be witness to the sins I have committed, the haram I have seen, the horrible words I have uttered, the deplorable places I have visited.
So when my hand and feet are made to testify against me and my heart is exposed for the blackened coal that it is and my nafs releases its stench for all to smell, I implore You please turn my Habib (saw) away so he is not witness to my ignominy.
And if through Your infinite Justice, You determine my fate to be in the Hellfire, please do not allow him to see me being dragged by my forelock, crying and screaming, and flung into the dark abyss.
For truly the look of disappointment in his eyes would burn me greater than any flame in the Hellfire.
While I realize that I cannot conceal my sins from You, I implore You, on that grave Day when Your beloved and mine is standing before us, please do not bare my disgraceful soul in the company of my dear Prophet Muhammad."
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
This reminded me of a poem from Jaami. It's in persian and I have found word and meaning and laced below:
Tanam Farsooda jaa para
Ze Hijra Ya Rasul Allah صلي الله عليه و سلم
Dillam Paz Murda Aawara
Ze Isyaa. Ya Rasul Allah صلي الله عليه و سلم!
My body is dissolving in your separation
And my soul is breaking into pieces. Ya Rasul Allah!صلي الله عليه و سلم
Due to my sins, My heart is weak and becoming enticed. Ya Rasul Allah!
صلي الله عليه و سلم
Choon Soo’e Mun Guzar Aari
Manne Miskeen Zanaa Daari
Kunam Ja. Ya Rasul Allah!صلي الله عليه و سلم
When you pass by me
Then even in my immense poverty, ecstatically,
I must sacrifice my soul on your blessed sandal. Ya Rasul Allah!صلي الله عليه و سلم
Ze Jaame Hubb To Mustam
Ba Zanjeere To Dil Bustam
Nu’mi Goyam Ke Mun Bustum
Sukun Daa. Ya Rasul Allah صلي الله عليه و سلم!
I am drowned in the taste of your love
And the chain of your love binds my heart.
Yet I don’t say that I know this language (of love). Ya Rasul Allah
صلي الله عليه و سلم!
Ze Kharda Khaish Hairaanam
Siyaa Shud Roze Isyaanam
Pashemaanam, Pashemaanam, Pashemaanam. Ya Rasul Allah صلي الله عليه و سلم!
I am worried due to my misdeeds;
And I feel that my sins have blackened my heart. Ya Rasul Allah!
صلي الله عليه و سلم
I am in distress! I am in distress! I am in distress! Ya Rasul Allah!
صلي الله عليه و سلم
Choon Baazoo’e Shafaa’at Raa
Khushaa’I Bar Gunaagara
Makun Mahruume Jaami Raa
Daraa Aan. Ya Rasul Allah صلي الله عليه و سلم!
Ya Rasul Allah صلي الله عليه و سلم! When you spread your hands to intercede for the sinners,
Then do not deprive Jaami of your exalted intercession.
You have to listen to this sung by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - It is amazing - tried to find it for you on Youtube but no luck. I have it on CD and will try to get you a copy IA
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