The ship floats in the vast ocean of water, surrounded by crashing waves, effortlessly bouncing one way or the other. The ship remains at the surface of the deep ocean because it never allows the water to enter.
Similarly, let your heart be as a ship floating in the ocean of this world. Verily you have been created to live in the world. And so, the world will come crashing against your heart, trying to topple it over, trying to rip it apart – but remain steadfast and never, ever let it enter into your heart, knowing full well that if you allow the dunya to enter your heart, it will sink.
(Not sure who to attribute this to, as I heard it in a lecture some time ago. I think he said it was from Rumi. Suffice it to say, these powerful words are not my own.)
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
Beautiful saying Mash'Allah!
Suhban Allah.
Jazakum ALlah Khair for sharing that.
If only the Muslim Ummah as a whole would heed the message behind that statement and not be dazzled by the deceptive pleasures of this Dunya. Just use what you need and can afford from this Dunya don't covet for more. Otherwise you will wind up "fearing poverty and death" in your quest for gaining the Dunya's pleasures.
Assalaamu alaikum.
it is really a beautiful saying.very beneficial. jazakAllahukhairan for sharing it.
i would really be surprised if Rumi was the one who said it. i have only read a little from rumi, but from what i did read, it was clear that he was not concerned about avoiding the dunya.
but as i said, i only read a little from him.
Allah knows best.
Again, love and obsession with this dunya makes you veer off course or even sink. Why do politicians steal, oppress, lie, kill--for love of this dunya. Why do you get imperial powers--love of this dunya. Why do muslims sell out their ummah--love of this dunya. Change starts with the inward not the outward.
Who is Rumi?
-The Muslim Kid
Thanks for sharing, I had learned about how we actually need to have a "crack" in our hearts/ships so that Allah's Nur/Light can shine in. I heard this in a Tafsir Halaqa on Surah Kahf where Pr Musa's Guide had placed a crack in the ship.
I agree that our hearts need to be strong to weather the storms we face in this life but also always need to have a crack there so that we can continue to benefit from Allah's guidance and assistance.
Slim |
@ Muslim Kid
Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet, Islamic jurist, theologian, and mystic.
Thought provoking stuff, sir. I'm a long time lurker on this blog. I generally find you hilarious...especially when you describe your parenting antics. :)
Yes this quote was from Maulana Rumi(ra), it was just mentioned at a gathering i was at where the imam was speaking about Salikeen and how they are able to use the dunya for their needs but never let it enter their hearts aka they manipulate the dunya not the other way around, and he mentioned this quote which went perfectly along with the topic.
Maulana Rumi has some deep stuff.
I have another question..
You say he was a 13th century philosopher, imam etc.
Why do you add (R), according to what I have been taught, that is only for sahabi's or companions of the prophet; Muslims who viewed the Prophet in their life time as Muslims.
-The Muslim Kid-
@Shariq, "i have only read a little from rumi, but from what i did read, it was clear that he was not concerned about avoiding the dunya."
Depends on your sources. Everyone interprets him and his works in a way to further their own agenda.
@MK, "Who is Rumi?"
What is Wikipedia? ;-)
@Slim, "but also always need to have a crack there so that we can continue to benefit from Allah's guidance and assistance."
But your assuming that the guidance of Allah is of this world. But Allah and His Noor are NOT of this world. If you want to push the analogy, Allah's guidance would be like the sun, shining on the boat from above.
@Haya, "I generally find you hilarious...especially when you describe your parenting antics. :)"
So basically I'm a clown for your amusement? ;-)
Welcome and thanks for de-lurking.
@MK, "Why do you add (R), according to what I have been taught, that is only for sahabi's or companions of the prophet;"
That's no set rule my friend. Praying for Allah's Mercy or Pleasure on someone is not limited only to certain individuals.
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