As if I needed any more proof that political Islam will never succeed without a deeper, more substantial spiritual reform, news comes from Turkey that two retired general were arrested in over an alleged plot to overthrow the Islamically-inclined AK Party.
And if that isn’t enough in the tough-times department for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, his party is currently fighting for its life in the judicial courts against charges that they are undermining secularism in Turkey.
I said it in my last post on Anwar Ibrahim and I’ll say it again when the AK Party goes down (either via the court ruling or through an inevitable military coup), Muslims need to stop putting the proverbial horse before the cart by focusing on political solutions.
We need to get our hearts and minds in order, reconnect with Allah (swt), and place our trust in Him.
He will take care of the rest.
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
Aren't you hoping for an ideal approach? Something that seems impractical as of today?
Would it be wrong to say that we reached our current state because, in past, our religious leaders turned a blind eye towards ruling elite? Isn't it time for them to repay by building political pressure groups? (Please don't mention poeple like Fazl-ul-Rehman etc .. he's a waste ..) But shouldn't movements like Tamzim-e-Islam (Dr. Israr etc) be politically active? They've reasonable following among educated-class in places like Lahore and Karachi.
I don't have a real opinion about which one is better i.e. top-down vs bottom-up. But I feel that top-down would be more effective as it takes just few good souls. How they'll go to the top is an NP-compete problem .. :)
Well all isn't lost
Look at he Jordanian Kings very out spoken interview
I don't see Arab/ Muslim leaders speaking this candidly to the public ever. Perhaps, they do and its just never in English. However, while I'm not a big fan of Kings I do like his style in this interview.
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