My years of living on a western compound here in Riyadh has allowed me to observe this creature called the Western Expat (WE) in its natural habitat. Let me first present a disclaimer that my findings are not true of every WE, but the trends cited below are too common to be explained away as aberrations.
The WE migrates to the Gulf mainly from America, Europe, and Australia, with only a few documented cases coming from South America. The chief factor for migrating is economical, with many citing the tax-free income as a major attraction.
Finding itself in a strange setting, the WE goes to extreme lengths to replicate a back-home feeling. They've created heavily fortified communities wherein they not only dress as they please, but they also prohibit niqabis and some even prevent hijabis from entering. Although alcohol is prohibited in the kingdom, its common knowledge that booze flows very freely in these enclaves.
Saudi families are not allowed to live on these western compounds. The American and British International schools don't allow Saudis, but they do allow expats from other Arab countries.
The feeling is that WEs wish to remove all traces of Saudi Arabia when they enter their compounds and schools. They unashamedly display a degree of intolerance they would rarely ever externalize in their countries of origin.
Surrounded by a sea of religiosity, the WE displays an inordinate amount of religious pride. WE's who would never celebrate holidays back home are lining up to celebrate Easter and Christmas. WE's who would rarely visit a church are suddenly yearning for weekly mass.
The WE displays characteristics very comparable to those seen in the American Muslim (the non-indigenous variety), a similarly amazing creature. The instinct of survival kicks in to a higher gear when in a foreign environment. I refer not to life preservation, but to identity preservation.
They seem to be trying extra hard to exert their self-identity, as if they fear being swallowed by the surrounding inferior society. It's interesting to contrast that with the American Muslim community which is leery of assimilating into a western culture that alluringly imposes its beliefs and practices on its citizens.
But Saudi society is neither alluring nor imposing, so what are the WEs so paranoid of? Or is their cultural hubris so acute that they can't possibly denigrate themselves by interacting with the locals?
At first glance, the WE will always say the right thing, but when push comes to shove, the orientalist attitude that is mysteriously imprinted onto their psyche comes oozing out. I've sat and traveled with them (in our daily carpool) for the past several years and its very revealing to see the extent of their self-importance and arrogance.
From their belief that KSA could not prosper without them to their mocking the backwards Bedouin mentality to their self-righteous pity kindly offered to the Saudi women, their disdain for their hosts is quite apparent.
I'll conclude with an incident that took place this past weekend where a brother and I attended a hiking group consisting mainly of westerners. Every week this group of over 100 expats hike and run through the desert mountains outside Riyadh. Looking to establish something similar for our circle of families, we decided to join them to discover some new locations.
When we arrived we noticed that we were the only Muslims present. No big deal. So we're standing around waiting for the hike to begin when a small group comes up to welcome us and one of the ladies, hand extended, introduces herself. My friend placed his hand on his chest and politely declined. No big deal.
But turns out that she was offended and complained to someone, who voiced their displeasure to our host (attendance is by host invitation only). So our host, not wishing to ruffle any feathers, apologetically suggested that all three of us leave (we convinced him to stay and chose to leave on our own).
On the way back, it struck me that this lady had probably never set foot out of her compound to interact with the locals. She's living in one of the most overtly Muslim societies and yet she still remains ignorant of a most basic Muslim practice.
At least the Orientalists of old would immerse themselves into the local cultures before unloading their contempt and scorn for the barbaric ways of their hosts. This latest iteration of the Orientalist, presenting itself in the form of the WE, can't be bothered with all that nonsense of learning the local customs and simply skips to the contempt. How very efficient of them!
The WE is indeed a most amazing species.
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
Salaam Naeem,
I know so well what you are saying. The compounds are a world on their own.
My sister who lives in KSA was invited to the French embassy for an official dinner and at the gate she was asked to take off her abaya. When she refused she was denied entry! Eventually she went back home.
I have met so many women who mind if their hands are not shaken. They feel like lepers, they say. I have had women complain to me that Muslim men are ill-mannered and “uncouth.” Obviously they should know about Islamic traditions in a Muslim country but either they don’t know or they don’t care.
I say let the najas Mushrikeen find their way outside of the blessed land the Sahaba sacrificed their blood to "Islamicize". Why is it that they can continue to tell us in their "liberal" countries to "leave" if we don't like it, yet they are allowed to step all over Islam and its symbols in its own land. Their disdain for morality, tawhid, and the way of the "bedouins" has no place in the land blessed with the Ka'abah and the grave of the last Nabi (alayhis salaam). Imagine if Muslims were in the Vatican and manifested ill-manners towards their hosts. Would they not be ordered to depart? Yet the spiritual waste of humanity, the sharrul-barriyyah, have the audacity to revile and vomit their egocentric attitude upon their host's religion! Unfortunately, this is the product of the despotic criminal regime that seeks to destroy Islam and its symbols in the Jazeerah; Aaalis-Sa'ud.
Their time is coming, bi-ithnillah!
Wow, abul layth, you sound angry indeed!
Naeem, Sahra here. I don't think those WEs are any different here than they are there. I assume they are mostly white. I am always always always AMAZED at the superiority complex suffered by the caucasian persuasion. So sad. But everyone has their time and indeed, abu layth, their time IS coming. I choose to pray for them since they are human, even if not humane. ~Sahra
ps: Does anyone get grossed out besides me when a non Muslim sticks their hand out for a shake? I mean, how do I know what's on your hand, man???? Ewwwww!
anonymous, It is anger stemmed in Hatred for evil, that is all. That does not mean I do not hope that Allah ta'alaa blesses the evil scum with guidance. Nevertheless, they are evil pagans that pollute the blessed jazeerah, the same jazeerah our Nabi ('alayhis salaam) stated of, "Remove the mushrikeen from the arabian pennisula!"
The scholars, however, agree that they are allowed to stay for business or the like, but that the jazeerah can not become their abode.
abu layth, the prophet saw didnt seem to have reviled them the way you are. I'm not saying you can't hate bad manners and shirk, but you don't have to go head over heals in cursing out non-muslims.
In fact, he stopped aisha from saying more than 'wa'alaykum' if you are familiar w/ the hadith.
Asalaamu alikum wa rahamtuallh,
Such a deeply saddening story and it seems the only explanation is really a deep rooted prejudice toward others. And a complex that ones belief and world views need to impressed on each other. It does not take long to see this same dynamic being played out in world affairs.
Most people, in the West by and large are very tolerant and understanding. If things are explained, they understand and go out there way to accommodate you. May Allah save us from the "WE" and becoming like them.
Kind regards,
Dont be sad
This is one of the reasons why I've ignored the various expat communities in the countries here in Asia that I've lived in. I feel no need to mingle with people who can't make any effort to understand the people whom they're living with. And I feel that by having made the effort to get to know my wife's ethnic group (Malays), I'm both comfortable with and feel accepted by the Malay community. For me, "going native" is the only acceptable alternative.
Just thought of this...
To give an example, my school had an open house yesterday, and I had been told that the food for the buffet would be halal. I tend to be skeptical of such claims, but as I was walking away from the buffet area, the guy who's setting up the buffet, a Malay man, sees me and gives me a salaam. And I'm thinking, "Wow, he knows that I'm a Muslim"; it's not like I'm dressed in any way that identifies me as a Muslim. But as it turned out, he's the husband of a woman who has a small hawker stall whose food I've bought many times before. And even though I barely know this guy (I had met him before, but didn't recognize him), we had a great conversation that was about 30-40 minutes long, talking about Islam, Muslims, all sorts of topics. And I really feel my life is much more enriched because I live outside the "WE's" comfort zone.
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