So the latest news coming out of Somalia is that as Ethopian troops are moving out, in-fighting has begun between the moderate Ahlus Sunna wal Jamaat and the more extreme Al-Shabab. Al-Shabab is accusing the Ahlus Sunna group of being warlords, while the Ahlus Sunna accuses Al-Shabab of being foreign fighters sympathizing with Al-Qaeda.
And then there are unsubstantiated reports that the UIC (Islamic Courts) are in battle with the Shabab.
Eerily similar to what happened in Afghanistan after Russia pulled out.
Here we go again. Sigh.
It's quite confusing trying to sort out fact from fiction, truth from propaganda, but my understanding is that most Somalis are moderates with links to Sufism, so they aren't very welcoming of the firebrand version of Islam enforced by Al-Shabab. I recently saw a lengthy interview on Al-Jazeera with one of their leaders and while he seemed sincere, humble, and committed to Islam, he was parroting the Al-Qaeda sales pitch which definitely won't go over well with many Somalis.
But let us look at the bigger picture and agree that such militant movements are really incapable in achieving the real goal of Shariah. The level of adherence to the laws of Allah (swt) in the societal level are merely a reflection of the adherence to those laws on a personal level. The Shariah can never be implemented through the barrel of a gun or the casting of a ballot - it must come via the transformation of the hearts.
I wrote about this before:
And therefore, as a blessing to us (as well as the rest of world), Allah (swt) has placed a political straitjacket on the Ummah – preventing it from tasting any political power so as to prevent it from causing any harm unto others or to itself.
As a blessing to us (and the rest of world), we will continue to see failed political/military efforts for establishing Muslim states or electing Muslim leaders (Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Hamas, Anwar Ibrahim).
Allah (swt) will either send the Americans or a military junta or the Ethiopians or the Israelis or even a 23-year-old political aide, but the results will be the same – no power for the Muslims.
We simply are not ready for the immensely grave responsibility of being representatives of the Most High (khalifat-Allah).
As I see it, I refuse to place a gun in my child's hands. Similarly, Allah (swt) has refused to place power in the Ummah's hands.
That's why Islamic political parties (as found in Turkey, Malaysia, Palestine) will never succeed. Nor will militant groups (as found in Somalia and Afghanistan). Sure they may bring about short-term relief in repelling occupying forces, but they will never succeed in the long-term.
Not until the hearts of the masses begin to respect the words of Allah (swt) and the practice of His beloved Prophet (saw).
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As-Salaamu 'alaikum,
If what the media report about al-Shabaab is true, they sound like a bunch of thugs whose "Islamism" consists of nothing more than an eagerness to kill other Muslims. There was the alleged rape victim murdered in Kismaayo and now the man in Mogadishu presumed to have apostated for working for a Somali faction which they alleged was allied to the Ethiopians, who was executed. To fight them is not infighting, it's fighting criminals.
This was an interesting short read. I think you are right in regards to it being difficult to distinguish what it legitimate and illegitimate when it comes to the media.
AA- Yusuf,
You may be correct, however remember that the same media was denouncing UIC as extremists intent on imposing Shariah.
I am as comfortable with Shabab as I am with the Taliban - they are not ideal but are better than the warlords who have run the country into the ground.
I think we should not rely on mainstream news sources for reliable news. My position is- I don't know.
For example, I know that Afghanistan was not quite describable by the phrase "political Islam" (either coined or put to mainstream use by Sriman Pipes). They were warlords.
They wanted power. They wanted money. That's not Islam!
We have very few groups that may claim to be "Islamic" in their approach. It doesn't matter if they are Shia or Sunni or whatever.
In summary, I don't know what is happening in Somalia. :)
Salaam Naeem
I am starting to feel kind of depressed when I read your posts. I mean... what is there to do? I get the impression from you that there is nothing to do, and we Muslims are just a lost cause.
AA- Manas,
"For example, I know that Afghanistan was not quite describable by the phrase "political Islam" (either coined or put to mainstream use by Sriman Pipes). They were warlords."
I guess there are different understandings to the term 'Political Islam'. I prefer the more general explanation of any attempt to implement Islam/Shariah from the top-down, either politically or militarily.
"They wanted power. They wanted money. That's not Islam!"
Seems like you're basing your opinion purely on western media (and their ilk). Ever listen to a pro-Taliban supporter? They provide a balanced perspective, namely that Taliban made many mistakes, but cannot be accused of being warlords.
AA- Amy,
"I get the impression from you that there is nothing to do, and we Muslims are just a lost cause."
Not sure why you feel that way. On the contrary, there is definitely a clear-cut solution for all of us, as I stated in my post:
"The level of adherence to the laws of Allah (swt) in the societal level are merely a reflection of the adherence to those laws on a personal level. The Shariah can never be implemented through the barrel of a gun or the casting of a ballot - it must come via the transformation of the hearts."
No need for even the slightest hint of despair sis! I have too great an expectation from my Lord to ever be hopeless. :-)
I wish you all read this article before you have posted your ill informed attack on Al-Shabaab. There is no war between Al-Shabaab and Ahlu-Sunna in Somalia. In fact the leader of Ahlu-Sunna is the deputy commander of the Islamic Courts. Side note, those who are claiming to be Ahlu-Sunna are in fact a former warlords armed by CIA to create a havoc in the communities. The recognized Sufis who by the way follow the Shafia madhab and always stand out for Somalia are on the fight. Remember the Sufis are the ones that liberated Somalia from the British, French, and Italian. look women are also members of the Somali resistance movement. Islamic Courts runs womens universities and schools that more than 30,000 girls attend. America would accuse anyone associated with Islam being Al-Qaeda which Somalia we have not association with it and by the way, they cannot exist in Somali society as we are open society. Please before you accuse the Islamic courts read this article:
'The Shariah can never be implemented through the barrel of a gun or the casting of a ballot - it must come via the transformation of the hearts'
What is needed is an honorable leader(by ballot)who can transform the hearts of the masses with his integrity and with his speech.
Even if Political Islam is does not appeal to you, in Malaysia it is the only choice for many muslim in Malaysia who want to see a peaceful transition to Syariah by PAS.
Wa'Alaikum as-Salaam Naeem
I was referring to the so called "mujahiddeen" who faught the Soviets. Taliban came much later.
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