So its no surprise that Musharraf declared martial law (can we please stop calling it ‘a state of emergency’?). After all, this was his only option to retain power as the Supreme Court was about to declare his bid for a 3rd presidential term unconstitutional.
So he suspends the constitution, clamps down on the media, arrests almost 1500 people, and replaces the Supreme Court with his handpicked lackeys.
Move along folks, nothing (new) to see here.
I just wanna know, who in their right mind – knowing what they now know – doubts that the government had a hand in the Bhutto assassination attempt? As well as the countless other suicide bombings that have ravaged the country since the Lal Masjid tragedy?
Am I a conspiracy theorist for thinking this?
And more importantly, thinking bigger picture here, its these types of events that lead me to the conclusion that any form of political activism is basically fruitless. I’m starting to see the wisdom of the Sufi and Tablighi Jamaat ways. These groups have long advocated staying out of politics and instead have focused on reforming the self.
Seriously folks, isn’t all this talk of democracy or political reform or khilafa or whichever political ideology with which you may align yourself truly futile when tyrants and despots can so easily overturn years and decades of work?
Look at Turkey and its history of military intervention in domestic politics. Pakistan’s been suffering this nonsense since its inception. Even Malaysia had its fiasco with the authoritarian Mahathir jailing the Islamically-oriented Anwar Ibrahim.
So screw all forms of political activism and let’s just work on the small circle of influence in which we live – ourselves, our families, and our local communities.
Anything more is sheer folly.
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
I feel really sad when I don't understand politics. I was good once upon a time as a student, now I feel like all the terminology and idelogies are making me feel old. I don't get it! Why martial law? I know Egypt has been under martial law since Mubarak came into power and I don't get why. Maybe I should take a political theory course?
AA- Unique,
"I feel really sad when I don't understand politics."
You ain't the only one sis. The greatest oxymoron in the english language is political science. Politics is anything but a science!
Martial law allows the military to gain power and control, wresting it out of the hands of the old leadership, be it a monarchy or a democracy.
The reasons for Musharraf declaring his second coup was to ensure that his presidency is not threatened.
As the saying goes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I don't completely agree with you because we aren't asked to necessarily produce results, although we should work towards goals. We are asked to work and leave the rest to God. I'm not saying we should be blind sighted and for lack of a better word 'stupid' and not use foresight. But that doesn't mean khalas let's forget it and just sit in a corner and make dhikr all day and dhikr all night.
AA- Burgundy,
Agreed, there is definitely a middle ground and its not doing dhikr all day nor is it pure political activism.
Its just that times like these make me wonder what really is so bad with working on one self and one's tiny circle of influence?
Wouldn't the world be sooo much better if everyone worked on that tiny circle and imbued it with Ihsan?
All this talk of political reform and what not hasn't produced jack, while internal reform and spiritual revival has a track record that isn't too shabby, no?
good point...
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