Two incidents occurred in the past few days that highlight the unique nature of life in KSA.
First, I walked into one of our favorite bakeries to get some pita bread and biscuits. We've been going there on a regular basis for the past 4 years. My wife has made some large orders to take back to the US with her, so they know us well. But I guess not well enough:
Nice elderly man (as he's preparing my order): "So how many years has it been?"
Me: "Years since what?"
Nice man: "since you've been..."
Me: "Since I came last?? Yaar, I just came last week...I come almost every week!"
Nice man: "No, no...I mean how many years have you been working"
Me: "Huh? I've been here for 4 years working the entire time. What do you mean?"
Nice man: "I mean working for that Amriki lady. You know the lady who comes with you – how many years have you been driving for her?"
Me: "Oh bhai, I'm not her driver…that Amriki lady is my wife."
Nice man (turning as red as a brown-skinner can become): "Doh!"
Ahhh, the sweet benefits of being a Pakistani married to an Arab woman while living in the Gulf.
Then yesterday, we're at the hospital getting an ultrasound done on baby Ayah. Its no easy feat in holding down a crying baby to get the proper ultrasound pictures. My wife and the technician were positioning Ayah, while the ultrasound doctor was taking the images.
In the middle of all this, the doctor's cell phone rings and he proceeds to hold a casual 5 minute conversation with his friend. All the while, Ayah is lying on the examination bed, with her diaper off, crying to be held. And my wife couldn't pick her up because she had that ultrasound gel all over her waist and hips.
Once done with his conversation, the doctor simply turns and finishes the ultrasound, as if nothing had happened.
Oh well.
These types of interruptions are actually very common. I've sat in a doctor's room more than once and witnessed the doctor take phone calls in the middle of our conversation/examination.
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
2 weeks ago
Yeah, I've been through this a lot too. Only I don't live in the KSA.
But when it comes to medicine, I think all doctors should follow a set protocol.
I love the part about being your wife's driver, that is hilarious! You should have told the guy that you've been her driver for like 15 years and then came in with her next time and held her hand in front of him! I don't think there would be enough money to pay for the look on his face! Priceless! :-)
@Islamblog, I never experienced such treatment by a doctor in the US. I'm guessing you too are not in the west as I believe that a 'set protocol' does exist in patient interaction.
Western doctors are much more into respecting the patient as opposed to treating him/her as a job or customer...
@Sahra, LOL! That would have been quite funny...The real funny thing is that this type of 'confusion' has happened many other times...this was just the most recent. :-)
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