A scholar was quietly sitting in a gathering with his students.
After a short while, one of the students broke the silence and politely asked his teacher, 'Shaykh, why don't you say a few words from which we can benefit?'
The shaykh softly replied, 'If you are not benefiting from my silence, how will you ever be able to benefit from my speaking?'
The power of the tongue is immense and too often we wield it carelessly. When compared with the damage that can be caused by our own hands, the tongue is so much more dangerous.
While the hand can cause pain to those only close to it, the tongue can inflict harm to those miles away.
While the hand is used to hurt those who are weaker, the tongue can be used to hurt anyone and everyone, regardless of their physical stature.
While the physical wounds caused by the hand eventually heal, the emotional scars caused by the tongue are everlasting.
Thus we are reminded by our beloved Teacher (saw) "The Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe." (And let none of us think that the Prophet's mentioning of the tongue before the hand is of no consequence.)
As children, we always repeated 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me' and it sufficed us for that stage. But as we have matured and are now striving to achieve greater heights in the sight of our Lord, we realize that truly words are so much more poisonous than sticks or stones.
Let us heed the beautiful advice of the Beloved of Allah (swt), "Speak a good word or remain silent."
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
Wasn't it "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will break my heart"?
Yeah, we need to apply the main lesson more: Speak good or remain silent.
No, it was "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me..."
At least for those born in the 60s and 70s or so...
yes I agree, till this day I struggle with getting over words, such a scar it left . Its been a while since checking your blog .
just a left a comment on your tag , I just thought to let you know in case you dont check it :P
good one! thanks for the reminder
@Mummyjaan, although your version is truer, the common version ends with 'words will never hurt me', but as Anonymous mentioned, that may have been only in the 60s, 70s (and 80s)...
@Anonymous, thanks for the clarification...
@Poetic, "Its been a while since checking your blog." Ur always most welcome. :-)
tru dat
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