Thinking to awaken the blog after my Ramadan hiatus...lots to write about, just wondering if any loyal readers are still around....
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
An odd mix of Islam, politics, and off-the-wall news as seen by an American Muslim living in limbo.
Thinking to awaken the blog after my Ramadan hiatus...lots to write about, just wondering if any loyal readers are still around....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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of course!! i am waiting for you to start writing again....
Don't know if am loyal but ya....good to have you back. Hope your Ramadhan and Eid went alright.
Assalaamu alaikum,
Well, you're on my Google Reader; does that make me loyal? lol
I'm reading you.
Asalaamu alaikum.
LOL, like Umm Ibrahim, I have to say that you are on my Google Reader. Although, not just anyone makes it to my reader - just the ones I find beneficial, so I suppose that says something... Looking forward to whatever you've got ready. :)
Well, I'm no very valuable as a reader because I don't comment, but well, I'm still subscribed!
salam, I wouldnt say loyal :) but aswell youre on my google reader so I must have thought you beneficial at some point masha'allah. Look forward to reading some new blogs
Assalamo elikuim
Yeah we have been waiting and waiting....
Welcome back br.
Please leave a comment on JazakAllah
Of course we're here. No write something funny and make us laugh, think, self-reflect, feel self-conscious, and then get therapy.
You took a hiatus? LOL! I pray all is well, may Allah swt accept our deeds/fasting!
we are here, Belated Eid Mubarak. Taqaballah minni wa minkum.
ive been waiting..dying for your post.
Welcome back brother.
i think i really need some guidance nd you might be able to help.
check out my blog when u get time.
-The Muslim Kid-
here, Eid Mubarak
You're also on our google rss feed. Your last entry was very beneficial and I think it made me want to read more alhamdulillah!
of course - eagerly awaiting your next post
Wow, what an outpouring of support?!
Been bloggin' for over a year and 16 friends is all I've gotten? And that's even counting that Redwan dude who constantly spams everyone's blog soliciting comments for his blog!
Thanks for the reality check people!
Seriously folks, thanks for the comments...looking forward to ranting on the global economic crisis, pakistan, our spiritual state, jihad, obama/osama, my crazy kids, and much more...
You betcha!
Insh'Allah your Ramadan was full of baraka for you & yours!
Welcome Back!Eeagerly awaiting next post.
Assalamu alaikom na'eemo...
long time bro... we seriously need to get together soon insha'Allah... how about tonight? you guys wanna do something?
As'salamu Aleikum Brother :-)
Your blog is one the few I turn into when there is nothing to post in ijtema.
Thanks for saving my time :-)
Nice to see you back, Naeem.
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