For the longest time I've been convinced that the two-party system in the US is a democratic sham. It gives the illusion of choice while in reality allowing you to choose between six and a half-dozen. And in cahoots with the independent media outlets, who effectively promote this charade, the pretense of an open democratic society is established allowing the sheeple to go back to eating grass and roaming the fields. Now, I'm not advocating the traditional conspiracy theories on who or what is running the world - but suffice it to say that its not the masses and their voting machines.
I specifically remember an apt analogy given by a friend some 10 years ago. Imagine a debate between two sides, one arguing for Coke and the other for Pepsi. The argument for the pros and cons of each is presented in a civil manner - both sides respecting each others right to choice. As the audience looks on, a third person walks in and suggests the unthinkable, 'Hey fellas, whats wrong with water?'.
You hear a collective ghasp in the audience, mothers cover their children's ears, onlookers can be heard whispering 'nutjob', 'deviant', and 'anarchist'. One of the candidates smirks with an air of arrogance, instantly disregarding the newcomer with a pompous chuckle, while the other retorts forcefully, 'Water? Water! You must be out of your mind young man. With that kind of thinking, why not suggest that we all start drinking gasoline?!'
I was reminded of all this when I watched this hilarious video clip:
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
2 hours ago
question - might not be completely unrelated (as most of my questions tend to be)
democracy vs the caliphate system...
how are we to implement a caliphate system in todays day and age, without a democratically elected leader(in the true sense a democratically elected member from the public)...
and if we are to use the caliphate system of appointing the next-in-line or the leader....are we to adapt the method of the "election of the pope" whereby a few so-called "spiritually elite" imams appoint the next caliph?
(a bit unrelated)
just wanted to know some thoughts, because ive been baffled by this question for a while...
I enjoy your commentary on variety of issues. You are an excellent writer and a wise man . . .
Saqib: democracy vs caliphate system...that's a very loaded that would take an entry in and of itself. In the meanwhile, I'll forward you to brother the Shield of Islam forum which has lots of info on Khilafa:
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