Every now and then, we are struck with gentle reminders by the Most Subtle - Al-Lateef - (swt) that our fast-paced life is not the most conducive way to gain nearness to Him. This video is one of those reminder:
(h/t Deenport)
All too often we take our Wudu for granted, whizzing through it without any sense of spiritual awareness. Even this most basic act of worship, which many of us learned in our childhood, has the potential to be a refreshing spiritual experience.
But only if we allow it.
I found this video very effective in injecting some life into one of my more 'programmed' acts of worship. I really need more humanity in my worship. I guess that's what happens when we gain all our knowledge from books and mp3 lectures.
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
Once a man asked Imam Shafi'i how he could increase his Iman/taqwa and Imam Shafi'i said "perfect your wudu". Meaning if you take care of things thats are deemed to be minor (such as making sure all five of your toes get washed each of the three times you wash your feet), you will be able to have a better prayer, for example...
Salaams Br. Naeem: Jazaka Allahu Khayrn for this beneficial reminder
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