Sheeple: People unable to think for themselves. Followers. Lemmings. Those with no cognitive abilities of their own.
I have always wondered how masses of people could rally in support of their dictators and political overlords. Whether is was Saddam or Arafat or Qaddafi or whoever, I have never been able to wrap my mind around thousands of their supporters chanting their name, carrying their blown-up portraits, and proclaiming allegiance to these most wicked of humans.
I always figured they were simply deluded by the hope of some measly crumbs falling from the presidential coffers onto their plates. Or they genuinely felt that their leader would one day lead them to victory, however they chose to define it.
In the end, I gave these masses the benefit of the doubt that due to the repressive nature of the government in conjunction with the constant stream of lies by the government-controlled media combined with their difficult,impoverished lives, they just didn't know any better.
But what can you say of a people who have had the fog of lies lifted before their very eyes and the curtain has been flung aside to reveal the true nature of the wizard, yet they persist in their loyalty to their crooked leaders?
That's what I find myself thinking of these Palestinians who rallied yesterday to show solidarity for their beloved Abbas.
I fully expected Tunisia/Egypt-style rioting and protests in the West Bank, but instead we have Palestinians rallying IN SUPPORT of the Palestinian Authority (!!).
Verily, people get the leaders they deserve.
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
It's just plain politics. They hate Hamas more than Abbas and his clowns.
Perhaps they're afraid that Israel will do to them what they're doing to Gaza.
Abbas, or Abu Mazen as he is called, is the one protecting them.
Or they've got a relative or family working for the PA
Could be a host of reasons. I hope Allah guides them.
Heh. The very same criticism applies to the Republican party in America, especially the Teabaggers.
Assalaam Alaikum brother Naeem,
It is sad indeed. As Allah states in the Qur'an,
Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron. (Ar-Ra'd:11)
And the above is so true. I seriously can't understand what those protesters were thinking.
May Allah give them hidayah.
What are the news networks in Saudi saying about the Egyptian revolt?
AA- Mezba,
The media, and for the most part the people here as well, are repeating the official Saudi stance that stability and security is more important than revolt and chaos. source
@Obair, good point on the issue of hating Hamas. And also on the relative working for the PA. I figured that many people in support of corrupt regimes are the few who are benefiting financially from them...
@JD, I guess the same can be applied to any group that blindly follows an ideology, eh?
@Sara, thanks for the Ayah! Very pertinent to our current situation - in Palestine as well as Egypt/Tunisia.
Eh...could be they were paid to go out and show support much like Mubarak's goons.
BTW I just read today the PA will be holding elections in the West Bank this coming July. Guess we'll see then how much support Abbas and his Fatah cronies really have (unless they manage to rig the votes which is an unfortunate possibility).
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