Cold Turkey: The act of giving up a habit all at once.
I've learned that one of the best ways to deal with nafsi desires has been to go cold turkey. Whether its watching TV, going to the movie theater or indulging in the viewing of sports, I have found an abrupt cessation to work the best.
Going cold turkey shows your nafs that YOU are in control and that it is but a tool at your disposal, to be subjugated and refined.
All these silly distractions have muddled my path to spiritual ecstasy. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the path which requires one to minimize food, sleep, and speech will never allow for one who has busied his senses with watching TV, movies, and sports.
And the Internet.
I need to focus my senses, which have too many neurons distracted with what the Internet has to offer.
I'm going primitive folks.
I think everyone needs to experience primitivity (look it up, it's a real word), especially in this day and age. Whether it be one week, one month, or even a year.
That being said, let's see how long my turkey stays cold. :-)
The Drumlanrig jolly
1 week ago
So does that mean you're giving up your blog?? If so we'll dearly miss you and your ruminations but it's understandable since it's for a higher cause. I myself have been TV free for 8 years now and I can proudly say I don't miss it at all :)
Assalamu alaikum,
brave and wise move! May every second of however long/short this cold turkey, primitivity is be blessed. Delete the tag :)
Wassalamu alaikum
Salamutations. I find the rewards are great, but perseverance is tough. Wishing you success.
Go ahead, you can do it! *claps and cheers Br. Naeem on*
However, your blog has probably become so much a part of you that you might not be able to stay *completely* away for very long.
That said, let us see how you long you manage to stay away.......
as salamu 'alaykum
May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala grant you success. Ameen
I have a few of my own things I'm trying to go cold turkey with but as TIm said, it is very tough.
Best wishes!
I went cold turkey today on talking to this girl that I like in my school.
Doesn't that give you a good laugh?
And I agree completely, working towards it, for me it never works. Its more of an excuse to continue doing whatever you shouldn't.
-The Muslim Kid-
good luck with that. could u explain exactly how ur going to go about this 'primitivity'?
A wise move.
Although, I will miss your blog, as I check it daily, and today in particular I wanted to see if you had written anything on Obama's speech in Cairo. But I guess if you can persevere through this, then I can, too.
I totally agree with the guy above about the Obama Cairo speech.
I was expecting you to go "un-cold" if at least just for one post; but nope.
keep it up.
-The Muslim Kid-
You'll be missed, for however long.
dude, where are you? come on out. we miss u.
this is bull**** ppl read your blog and benefit from it.i know i have.
THANK GOD!! Especially if people read your blog and take it to heart. One less terrorist sympathiser spouting off and corrupting young minds!
There seems to be a lot of this going around! Cold turkey has always worked for me!
Hey "thankful" y dont u take a walk to shuttytown and suck on a shutsicle.i saw nothing but sinceraty from this blog.
You will be missed but I feel the need for some primitiveness myself!
While you're on spiritual retreat, I highly recommend this Islamic history series:
Would love to hear your thoughts on it someday.
Take care!
If you were standing in front of me right now, 'thankful', I'd punch you in the face.
BrNaeem's blog is one of the BEST blogs out there.
BrNaeem: its been a heck of a long time, we all miss you but we support you in your endeavor. I know i could never have done it for more than 3 days. :P
-The Muslim Kid-
you know naeem,perhaps if you have some self control you can limit your internet browsing to your blog and ppl can benefit from it like they're supposed to.cold turkey doesnt necessatate staying away from something that ppl derive benefit from.its like saying im going cold turkey from interacting from ppl because i wanna stay away from sin and mundane dialouge because it would lead one to geeba,slander,calumny etc and the person whos saying this is a SHEIKH!!so dude plzz stop being foolish and WRITE!!!
Guys, I'm almost deliberating on sending out a search party for Br. Naeem myself, but don't fall into the trap of relying on a person for guidance, for it comes only from Allah (SWT). So search for another blog, read some good books, etc, if you are missing the thought-provoking entries this blog offers - maybe reread this blog! And most importantly, make du'a to Allah to guide you and benefit you from everything that you do.
Anonymous above, people have to do what they feel is best sometimes. It is all too often that we fall into the trap of arrogance, or mess up the balance between action and spirituality, between islam and iman.
- GIRL-who-talked-about-the-Obama-Cairo-speech
lol @ thankful! Na'eem: you go, bro!
No to cold turkey!!. I believe there are very small minority of Muslims who write their opinion. The majority of Muslims are Coffee gossipers. So if you are one of the minority who are pointing out what is happening or sharing your Islamic point of view, I would commend you and I encourage that you continue to post and read. The TV and other stuff you can go for cold turkey. But righting Keep it on.
Are we still primitive? come back bro and post something here
Happy Ramadan.
As salamu 'alaykum, May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala grant you the success, you wish for.
Happy Ramadan.
You've done pretty well for going cold turkey. 3 months away from a blog is impressive.
How do we know you haven't surfaced somewhere else in another avatar?
Four Months.
While I am upset that once again, my journey to your blog has not been greeted with a new entry, I must commend you for staying away for so long.
But - enough! Come back, we are still waiting.
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