I was appalled by this recent article where the columnist actually recommends couples (married or not) spice up their sex life by engaging in public sex:
“The point is, the fear of getting caught -- combined with the thrill of being naughty by taking things out of the bedroom -- can really ramp up your sex life.”
Disgusting, yet expected.
Surely I am not the only one who immediately thought of these Prophetic warnings of the Last Day:
Narrated Anas (RAA) Allah's Messenger (SAW) said, "From among the portents of the Hour are (the following) …There will be prevalence of open illegal sexual intercourse." (Bukhari)
“The Last Hour will not be established until they (wicked people) commit adultery on the roads.” (Ibn Habban)
And finally a last narration, for which I couldn’t find the exact text, where the Prophet (saw) warned that the Last Day will not arrive until the wicked are engaging in public fornication like donkeys.
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
There's also the hadith along the lines of a righteous person seeing 2 people doing it openly in the street, and the best he'll do is to ask them to go behind a tree / bush. (I don't exactly remember the wording, so forgive any mistakes).
Is that the one you were thinking of.
Anyway, sadly, this is the way things are going. Sex is considered, by some, a "sport" - and some people have no problem in transgressing public decency.
After all, what's considered "decent" now would have been labelled porn even 25 years ago.
You hit the nail on the head when you said this is "expected" - because it's in hadith.
We should be shocked and outraged - but sometimes i don't think we realise the reality of these statements: the fact that these things were prophesized, and they WILL really happen, insha-Allah...some in our lifetimes.
It doesn't mean we mustn't speak out against it...but it just shows we need to wake up and realise we're living in those dangerous times.
If we don't come right soon, we're in huge trouble when Dajjal comes - because, as i heard, at that time, whatever eman you have - that's it. There's no "changing your life to be better" in those days. You either have it before he comes, or you're doomed.
May Allah protect us all...
There is currently this fad here in SA, amongst the people living in the poorer townships where they come together and dance in some sort of ritual, while they strip completely naked. My sister (an Anthroplogist) saw footage of this from one of her peers and said that she was so shocked and appalled that she couldn't watch the entire thing. I'm also convinced this is one of the signs of The Day of Judgement.
It's deplorable and if we do not say anything about it, we become complicit in the deed. I'm in no way a perfect Muslim, but I fiercly believe in upholding the tenants of Islam - even if I'm not as "proficient" in them as I'd like to be. The minute we make things "ok" and defy or disregard the laws, we're headed for major trouble.
The way I see it, people have become so desensitized to sex and "sensual" relations through porn etc. that its like a disease. And the more they consume (with their minds), the more it's "not enough"... it's like they constantly feel this need to push boundaries because they're constantly searching for excitement or that "thrill" from reaching new levels of defying convention. And their diseased minds feed off this, so regular sexual references etc are no longer enticing or satisfactory (because they are desensitized to it). And the more they consume with their minds, the more it's not enough y'know what I mean...
Anyways, may The Almighty protect us and our offspring from such fates. Ameen.
@DL, yeah, I recall that hadith about going beind the tree. But its different from the one I listed (about donkeys)...but the point is the same.
"but it just shows we need to wake up and realise we're living in those dangerous times."
I think that's the gist of this all. We need to shape up our own personal lives in preparation for the storm that's coming. Things are spiraling downwards very quickly and I'm afraid its only getting worse.
@Azra, "It's deplorable and if we do not say anything about it, we become complicit in the deed."
Yes, it is deplorable, but I'm not sure how effective our calls for reform will be. Society has really decayed to a point of no return. I really don't mean to sound hopeless and pessimistic, but boy, the decadence is really too much.
Ameen to your dua'as!
I understand your sentiments and pessimism, and in all liklihood our voices won't change anything. But I have to say that remining silent is almost like condoning it. And complacency in any form is never good.
So yes the likes of such will continue to occur, but there should always be a disapproving voice, no matter how loud or soft it is.
I'm terrified for younger, impressionable generations though.
Sister Azra makes a good point about desensitization to sex and the subsequent addiction to it. It's like drug addiction you start "experimenting" with more dangerous and outrageous methods just to get that "high" (that diminishes considerably after your first try).
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