I never cease to be amazed by the unimaginable love that Allah (swt) has towards His most beloved creation, mankind. I love to ponder on the countless ways that His love is expressed for us.
I've written about this before (Call of Love, Are you a Lover or a Beloved), but in listening to a recent lecture, I've come across yet another indication of His love.
In the Quran, there are many instances of Allah (swt) directing the Prophet how to answer questions posed to him.
'They ask you what they should spend (in charity). Say: Whatever you spend that is good is for parents and kindred and orphans and those in want and for wayfarers' (2:215)
'They ask you concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask you how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs."' (2:219)
'They ask you what is lawful to them (as food). Say: lawful unto you are (all) things good and pure...' (5:4)
The common format consists of Allah (swt) restating the question and then commanding the Prophet to say such and such as the divine response. Allah (swt) is using His beloved Prophet as the intermediator, the go-between in this conversation between mankind and Allah (swt).
Each and every verse starts with 'Yas-aloonaka' (They ask you) about a specific matter, followed by Allah (swt) commanding the Prophet to 'Qul' (say) the answer.
The one verse in which this standard format is broken is the verse in which the object of the question is Allah (swt) Himself, verse 2:186.
'When My servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close: I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me...'
In this very special case, notice that there is no command to 'Say' (Qul). That’s because Allah (swt) has declined to command the Prophet to respond and instead has answered it Himself - "I am indeed close".
Allah (swt) is saying to all of His servants that if you ever wonder or ask about Me, there is no need for a mediator, there is no need for a middleman, there is no need for a Prophet to talk on my behalf.
I, the Creator of the universe, will answer you, my beloved creation, directly.
Allah is showing us that He is so close to us that He has even bypassed His Prophet to answer this call Himself.
Think of a lover who is getting the latest news about his beloved. His greatest wonder is 'Did she ask about me?' and imagine the excitement he feels when told that she did in fact inquire about him.
Truly Allah (swt) is above all possible anthropomorphic attributions, but a scene comes to mind where He is so pleased to hear His servant asking about Him that He rushes to answer, even bypassing His dear prophet (saw).
Ya Allah! How feeble and undeserving are we to receive such an honor from You!
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
Jazak Allah for the beautiful post. Reminded me of something I read months ago on SunniPath Blog:
[Ya Allah! How feeble and undeserving are we to receive such an honor from You!]
True. How feeble, erring, forgetful, unmindful of Him we become, yet we only need to take *one* step towards Him and He takes ten.
Whenever I feel worried or upset - about anything at all - "He" reminds me of this ayah and the worries disappear - SubhanAllah.
Yet, it is so easy to lapse into ungrateful human beings day after day.
Thank you for the beautiful reminders that you write. May Allah reward you for it.
JazakAllahu Khairan Br. Naeem, for today's Emanrush :)
Your posts always compel me to think in new ways and realize other dimensions to things I've thought about, or don't know much about.
I really needed to read this right now. I understand, or at least, I want to understand.
But why do I despair of His Love just when I need it the most? Why is my faith so weak that it crumbles just when I need it to be strong?
AA- Hafsa
Thanks for the link...very nice post on the beautiful balagha of the Quran. I really like articles like that which unfold and reveal the different layers of the Quran like a blossoming flower.
AA- Mummyjaan, Brownsandokan, and Isha'
Thanks for the kind remarks...I pray that we all experience an 'Emanrush' when pondering over the love of Allah (swt). :-)
AA- Muse,
"But why do I despair of His Love just when I need it the most? Why is my faith so weak that it crumbles just when I need it to be strong?"
Most powerful questions indeed. I wish I had the answer. I hope my latest post is a step in that direction.
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