As you all may know, I'm not on the best of terms with the folks over at Brass Crescents Awards. That is, until now!
I got the following from their legal department:
From: Our Legal Department
To: Naeem
Re: Your complaints
We have come to know of your recent tirade and are unaffected by your childish rants. The BCA has a long history of supporting blogs of the highest standards, dead and alive. That should suffice to explain why your effort has remained absent from our nomination forms.
Nonetheless, the truth of the matter is that your blog has been ineligible due to the Honorary Judge status conferred upon your kind self. We at the BCA secretly awarded you this status several years ago, which subsequently disqualified you from any future participation. We hope you understand that this honorary status trumps any BC award you could have possibly won. Please believe us.
As an honorary judge, your vote is of the utmost importance. We hope that you can review the winners of this year's awards and give us your opinion. Since Internet communication is not very secure, we will call you to get your votes. Yeah, just wait for us to call you.
We will then incorporate that into our system and adjust the tallies accordingly. We promise.
Again, we hope this clears up any possible misunderstandings.
Now, if you could kindly refrain from referring to us with feces-related names ("poopie-heads", "Brass Crap awards", "Brass DooDoo awards"), we would be much obliged.
So, there you go folks. It's official - the only reason I wasn't nominated is because I'm a secret judge! Yay for secrecy in the judiciary!
But I have my nagging doubts. I think it may be a big hoax.
I just can't imagine a legal document casually addressing me with my first name. Just doesn't make sense. Besides that, everything else makes total sense to me. I mean, I would make a perfect judge. My wife's always telling me how judgmental I am.
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
I do like a sense of humour.
Did you write that letter yourself, Naeem?
C'mon, fess up.
We all know that the B.C.A crew aren't creative enough to come up with that on their own.
Oops, did I just exempt myself from future consideration too?
*shivers* ;)
Perhaps they will have a secret ballot and then a secret result.
OK I confess. I hate them coz I was nominated twice and didn't come close to winning.
And Ya, lost to a dead blog.
I was also a secret judge--I think we all were.
If they had a book, I would say we should burn it!
Could we create our own awards? Something like, "The Real Muslim Blog Awards"? But maybe that has a lining of judgmentalism all to harsh for some Muslims...
Brilliant! You're too funny. you deserve a special award all your own!!! Happy New Year!
I emailed the people at the the Brass Crescent Awards to inquire about the above mentioned "legal" document. And their response was that no such legal document was issued by them.
So either this reference to "a" document was a literary/intellectual license to spring to some caustic witty humor. And i didn't get it. (the license, not the humor). The rest of this comment becomes then irrelevant and i apologize to our host for my intervention.
Or there was indeed no such document. And someone is trying to create discord and fitna. (absolutely no finger pointed here)
Since i have no personal knowledge nor ways to ascertain anyone's character and good faith, i will follow the advice of our Beloved Prophet (صَلَى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم) and refrain from taking part into this discussion. Except to ponder these questions: how many of us on here did have the intellectual rectitude to check facts and assertions? and how may people took them at face value? Is it alright to be suspicious of any news/info. critical of Muslims and Islam in the MSM, but not to use the same attention when it's between ourselves?
Bruno DeGourville
Everything right and True is from Allah. Any mistake is from myself. May He forgive me for my deviances, and may He manifest the Truth on your tongue, my dear reader, so that I may accept it.
AA- Bruno,
Are you for real?
Your're not helping me making up my mind. Or are you?
Bruno, if you read my 'tirade' against the BCA and the associated comments, you would have realized that everything is tongue-in-cheek. I guess my sense of humor is a bit bland, eh?
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