that although my Creator, the Lord of all that exists in the heavens and the earth, Who existed before there was anything and will remain after there is nothing, Who is in no need of my feeble self, descends all the way from the highest heaven to the lowest heaven *every single night* for the sole purpose of listening to my pleas, I refuse to descend simply from my cozy bed to the prayer mat on the ground beside it to avail His infinite mercy!
Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The Lord descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the night remains and says: Who will call upon Me that I may answer Him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will seek My forgiveness, that I may forgive him?"
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
jazak Allah khayran for your thoughtful post.
I recommend that you reword the post a little, because the way you've currently phrased the first sentence, "How Pathetic" does not refer syntactically to what you presumably intended. I recommend that you change it to read something like, "How pathetic that, although my Creator..."
Yes, I agree with the above post.
AA- Mr. Know-it-all, ermm, I mean Mustafa,
Actually, I 'syntactically presumably intended' to confuse you at which I syntactically succeeded.
Thank you syntactically very much!
@Anon, too!
There are a couple of talks which specifically focus on this - and our weakness in achieving it. I'd really recommend you listen to "Working for Tawfiq" at
(I can't remember the title of the other one - but it's on that page).
May tahajjud become a regular reality, for you and your family :)
wa alaykum al-salam,
Apologies akh - didn't mean to offend or sound arrogant. Normally I wouldn't comment on something like this, but I felt that the wording was inadvertently inappropriate and ought to have been changed.
AA- Mustafa,
Not sure if you're a regular reader or not, but I often make snide, tongue-in-cheek remarks which are never meant to be taken serious.
My above comment qualifies as such.
So no need to apologize on this blog. Ever.
AA- Dreamlife,
Thanks for the link. I have benefited greatly from Sh. Hussain and his lectures. Sadly the words haven't made it from my ears to my heart. (sigh)
Thanks for your prayers bro.
Thanks for the reminder, brother.
I was mistaken about a 'couple' of talks. Everything I was thinking about was in that one talk.
The thing about such lectures - and indeed exposing yourself to this kind of material on a constant basis - is that even if you're too weak to implement it; you're still submerging yourself in positive influence - as opposed to popular culture and other nonsense which is hardly beneficial.
So, whether you implement what u learn or not, I like to think it's all going into your memory somehow - and that at some point, when you need it, it'll come out and click with your situation - and you'll be strong enough to apply it.
And, like he said in that talk - keep taking those little steps; and insha-Allah you'll hit a 'ladder' and jump up a few levels.
Like the hadith encourages: take small but consistent steps.
May Allah make it easy for all of us to advance :)
Shukran for the reminder of the excellence of praying Tahajjud brother! Some days I'm an insomniac and I try to pray Tahajjud those days I can't sleep (as opposed to what I used to do which was aimlessly surfing the net!) and I felt so relaxed and content afterwards (instead of cranky and out of it due to lack of sleep in the past). Your reminder makes me realize I should try to make praying Tahajjud a regular nightly habit now. Please pray that I'm able to Insha'Allah (as well as fulfilling other good deeds part of the Sunnah too)!
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