I always imagined the giraffes as the Hari Krishna's of the animal kingdom - you know, those peace-loving folks in orange togas singing at airports.
These simple animals are strutting around on their long stilt-y legs, minding their own business, peacefully chewing on leaves, looking all dopey and what not.
So you can imagine how disappointed I was when I saw this video:
So violence has even infiltrated the lovable giraffe family?!? The humanity!!!!!
There is a ray of hope here...maybe it's a husband-wife couple duking it out. Notice how in the end, they walk into the sunset together...yep, tell-tale sign of a married couple.
Some things are simply universal.
What? You mean you and your spouse don't bang necks in a clumsy attempt to wrestle the other down when you're arguing? You people are weird.
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
haha. im going to assume this has something to do with..
"people fight but they still get along in the end" lol
-The Muslim Kid-
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