Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse in Somalia...
1. The US is trying to push through a UN resolution allowing any nation fighting piracy to "take all necessary measures ashore in Somalia, including in its airspace". This would make Somalia officially a no-holds-barred, full-time war zone - as if it wasn't already.
2. BBC is reporting that more than 80% of Somalia's forces (almost 15,000 officers and soldiers) have deserted their posts and almost 70% of the funding for the government's security budget has disappeared amidst major corruption.
3. And in the weirdest twist of all, according to CNN more than a dozen Somali-American youth have returned to their home of origin to take part in the war. Although their plans are shrouded in mystery, they were most likely convinced to go back and partake in the jihad on the side of the Islamic Courts against the warlords and the Ethiopian occupiers.
Not sure what to make of this last bit of news. While I fully support the struggle of the Islamic Courts in trying to bring a semblance of peace and security to their war-torn nation, I'm not sure it's the wisest of tactics for American youth to go there to fight. Their energy and exuberance could have been channeled so much more productively if they had stayed in the US and actively participated in their local communities. Surely there is no dearth of work on the local front.
But on the other hand, I can see where that logic may lead us down the slippery slope of lazily justifying our lethargy when it comes to taking action. After all, if Somalia is not a proper arena for real Jihad against oppression and injustice, then what is?
What happened to the days when armies were mobilized from one side of the Muslim world in order to redress an injustice carried out on the other side of the Muslim world?
In these confusing times, may Allah (swt) guide us all to what is best!
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
The third piece of news raises an interesting point.
And it has been asked of me before by one of my cousins here in Aus - If Pak was to be attacked by foreign forces - would I feel it my duty or would I have the desire to go back and fight for what I think is right...or would I try justifying my "lethargy" (as you so aptly put it) by saying I will send over some $$ instead to aid victims etc.
Maybe the very fact that there is some sense of guilt that we don't do enough for the cause means we should be doing more...
Ameen to your dua.
And may Allah help the mujahideen fighting in his cause wherever and whoever they may be.
Salaam Naeem. I totally see your point. Let's face it, it isn't these youths duty to go fight in Somalia. They can do more good by staying here, helping their communities and raising awareness and education amongst the people about the situation and protesting against such an occupation. Until the Muslims have an amir again, how can we be expected to do the jihad you speak of? Do we even have a right? Isn't jihad on that level something that must be commanded by the Amir of the ummah?
If I had sons, I surely would not send them to fight wars no one knows anything about. Do you think that just because you hear the word Islamic Courts in Somalia, that it is a just cause???
Most of the ills suffered by the Muslims is a direct result of nationalism and pride. We have allowed ourselves to be divided and conquered and are not acting like Muslims at all! The task of uniting this ummah and making it what it ought to be is DEF gonna require Divine intervention! Meanwhile, we should still send money and speak out against injustice wherever we see it. But don't forget we have to speak out against the injustices committed by Muslims as well.
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