I just saw this amazing video, documenting some amazing sea creatures from the depths of the ocean and it immediately reminded me of the Glory and Perfection of Allah (swt).
Just as observing the sky above us has for centuries turned many towards their Creator, visiting the depths below us can have an equally spiritual effect.
How absolutely perfect is Allah (swt) the Creator, that He would posit such wonders of nature in faraway places no one may ever visit! He could have easily left these distant corners of the universe empty and it would have mattered little to us. But the existence of such amazing handiworks of the Divine further intensifies one's belief in the unquestionable flawlessness of our Creator.
The universe, this most masterful of artistic works, is constantly revealing its beauty to its bedazzled onlookers, who themselves are part of this canvas, resulting in a mind-boggling scenery that can only have been produced by the Master Artist.
If the creation of the universe was for the purpose of knowing Allah (swt) ("I was a hidden treasure and I wished to be known, so I created Creation."), then it is signs such as these that fortify that realization.
Ya Allah!
One may wonder what is the purpose of such intricately detailed creations found in the expanses of outer space or at the bottom of the oceans. I believe that regardless of their scientific purpose, they have fulfilled their *real* purpose by acting as agents of reminder - reminding this humble servant of the need to constantly glorify and worship Allah (swt).
Indeed, every creation of Allah (swt) plays an important role and function in this universe. Well, everything except for maybe this guy. Not really sure what his purpose for existence is...
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
JazakAllah for such a beautiful post.
Keep up the good work with your blog
Mashallah! Very beautiful thoughts wrapped in beautiful words.
Thank you, brNaeem!
AA- Sadiq and Suroor,
Thank you for the kind words!
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