Have you ever heard of Dua'a al-Kumayl?
If not, now is the time to read (and listen) to it.
Better yet, save it for the last third of the night as everyone else lays asleep and you find yourself alone with your Creator.
Even a hardened, darkened, rusted heart as mine was able to scrounge enough fear of its Lord to shed a tear when pondering over this most amazing of dua'as.
Here are but a few gems from this prayer:
"Therefore, my Lord! I implore Thee by Thy greatness not to let my sins and my misdeeds shut out access to my prayers from reaching Thy realm and not to disgrace me by exposing those (hidden ones) of which Thou hast knowledge nor to hasten my retribution for those vices and misdeeds committed by me in secret which were due to evil mindedness, ignorance, excessive lustfulness and my negligence"
"O' my God! My master! My Lord! And my Nourisher! What! Wilt Thou see me punished with the fire kindled by Thee despite my belief in Thy unity?
And despite the fact that my heart has been filled with (pure) knowledge of Thee and when my tongue has repeatedly praised Thee and my conscience has acknowledged Thy love and despite my sincere confessions (of my sins) and my humble entreaties submissively made to Thy divinity?
Nay, Thou art far too kind and generous to destroy one whom thyself nourished and supported, or to drive away from Thyself one whom Thou has kept under Thy protection, or to scare away one whom Thy self hast given shelter, or to abandon in affliction one Thou hast maintained and to whom Thou hast been merciful"
"O' my Lord! By Thy honour truly do I swear that, if Thou wilt allow my power of speech to be retained by me in the hell, I shall amongst its inmates cry out bewailingly unto Thee like the cry of those who have faith in Thy kindness and compassion And I shall bemoan for Thee (for being deprived of nearness to Thee) the lamentation of those who are bereaved, and I shall keep on calling unto Thee: 'Where art Thou o' Friend of the believers! O' (Thou who art) the last hope and resort of those who acknowledge Thee and have faith in Thy clemency and kindness; o' Thou who art the helper of those seeking help! O' Thou who art dear to the hearts of those who truly believe in Thee! And o' Thou who art the Lord of the universe.'"
How can you not but weep at these most beautiful of words?!
O' wretched one!
Lift the veils from your heart!
Remove the rust engulfing it!
Soften the hardness encrusting it!
Open the floodgates of tears and make peace with your Lord!
Verily these are the days of Divine Forgiveness.
Vishal, PIE and 80s boarding
1 week ago
Dua Kumayl is one of the best.
I guess the reason it isn't widely known to Sunnis is because I've only ever seen this dua on Shia websites ever since I heard about it.
I first came across it on youtube sometime during 2006 and like you said
"Even a hardened, darkened, rusted heart as mine was able to scrounge enough fear of its Lord to shed a tear when pondering over this most amazing of dua'as."
Make dua for Allah to forgive me.
And a gift for you and your readers:
This is from the youtube link:
Kumayl Ibn Ziyad Nakha'i was a confidant amongst the companions of Amir al Muminin, Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as.) and this sublime Du'a was first heard from the beautiful, though anguished, voice of Imam Ali. According to Allama Majlisi (on whom be Allah's Mercy) Kumayl had attended an assembly in the Mosque at Basra which was addressed by Imam Ali in the course of which the night of the 15th of Shaban was mentioned. Imam Ali said-"Whosoever keeps awake in devoutness on this night and recites the Du'a of Prophet Khizr, undoubtedly that person's supplication will be responded to and granted. When the assembly at the Mosque had dispersed, Kumayl called at the house where Imam Ali was staying, and requested him to acquaint him with Prophet Khizr's Du'a. Imam Ali asked Kumayl to sit down, record and memorise the Du'a which Imam Ali dictated to Kumayl.
Imam Ali then advised Kumayl to recite this Du'a on the eve of (i.e. evening preceding) every Friday, or once a month or at least once in every year so that, added Imam Ali, "Allah may protect thee from the evils of the enemies and the plots contrived by impostors. O' Kumayl! in consideration of thy companionship and understanding, I grant thee this honour of entrusting this Du'a to thee."
very nice.
ma sha'Allah it's a beautiful du'aa. A friend of mine showed it to me a while ago.
But just like br.victaur mentioned, I've only known it to be a Shi'a du'aa. Is it sighted by any Sunni sources?
that gave me goosebumps. i found ur site through Unique's. very nice, masha'Allah.
i will keep that du'a for myself too.
may you have a blessed last stretch of Ramadhan!
I heard of this dua but had only seen it to be recited prevalently amongst Shia's.
AA- all,
Thanks for your comments.
I am aware of the Shi'a tradition of this dua'a. And I find no reason for it to remain as such. There is nothing in the prayer that contradicts Sunni belief.
The power of the dua'a is too great for it be written off by Sunnis as a 'Shia dua' (not that any of you folks are suggesting that)
wa alaykum salaam Naeem,
Here's to unity :)
yes I have heard of dua kumayl , infact I used to read it every thursday ,when I was a shia , I stopped reading it after I became sunni , sometimes I want to go back and read it , but I am scared what if this and that...their is no shrik in it after all ..
salam to everyone
"dua is weapon of momeen", i believe there is no dua pertain to especially to one group either sunni or shia, dua is for everyone, since all duas lead to Allah, those who took the advantage of it they got it and those who thought it belong to one gruop they lost it, i hope everyone who read this pass this message to everyone who really like to read dua either from shia or sunni
if anyone of u read dua kumayl please find the dua saifee, it is also from Imam Ali (AS), it is very uncommon dua among shia too but a very powerfull dua, once i found this dua on net, if i get the link i will paste it here for anyone who wants to take advantage of it.....Allah forgive sins of ours.....wasalam....banda-e-khuda
salam to everyone
"dua is weapon of momeen", i believe there is no dua pertain especially to one group either sunni or shia, dua is for everyone, since all duas lead to Allah, those who take the advantage of it they benefited and those who thought it belong to one gruop they are in dark, i hope everyone who read this pass this message to those who really like to read dua either from shia or sunni
if anyone of u read dua kumayl please find the dua saifee, it is also from Imam Ali (AS), it is very uncommon dua among shia too but a very powerfull dua, once i found this dua on net,but it is available in few books, if i get the link i will paste it here for anyone who wants to take advantage of it.....Allah forgive sins of ours.....wasalam....banda-e-khuda
link to Dua Saifee
Please remember me in your special prayers. Ramadan Kareem
I have recently been introduced to this dua and really as mentioned by a brother, it made me cry as well.
But still i am very much interested in knowing the sunni reference of this dua coz u know whatever is labeled as of shias, becomes somehow acceptable to the majority of the sunnis.
Can anybody please respond??
Does it matter if this is recited pevalently by Shia'? In fact, it's a shame that more Sunnis don't recite it.
If you read the translation, it is one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring duas I have ever heard. So humbling Mash'Allah.
Besides, there is nothing in the dua that any Sunni should have a problem with, so to label as something exlusively 'Shia' seems to suggest various groups in Islam can have monopolies on different duas which is silly!
To the former Shia' brother/sister who says he/she stopped reciting it after he/she because Sunni... I'd say you made a big mistake... Don't let go off this dua' - it is too beautiful.
Is Dua Saifi the same as Nadee Ali?
AA- Anon,
"Is Dua Saifi the same as Nadee Ali?"
Sorry, but I have no clue.
Assalamu alaikum,
Here is the link to Dua al-Saify
Ma3 salama.
This dua ie Dua e Saifi is mostly recited by the Sunnis. Its first Aamil e Kamil is Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani(ra). It was given to Ali(ra) by the Prophet(saw). Its called Saif al Awliyaa(Sword of the Saints). Its major Zikr of Silsila e Qadiria, an order of Tassawf of the Ahl-e-Sunnah. Its a beautiful dua and can be recited by anyone, but be sure that you take all the precautions before reciting it.
Please answer this
I am confused.. Can this dua be recited by a sunni muslim?
and if yes then when do we recite this dua?
AA- Afshan,
I will refer you to an earlier comment by Mohammed:
"there is nothing in the dua that any Sunni should have a problem with, so to label as something exlusively 'Shia' seems to suggest various groups in Islam can have monopolies on different duas which is silly!"
And there isn't any specific time for this dua'a. Anytime, anywhere, anyhow. :-)
the recommended time to recite dua kumail is thursday evening after magriban prayer, suggest finding a quite spot in your house, dim or turn off the lights and listen to the dua.....it will have a massive effect on your heart.
@poetic muslim
Not everything is shirk and bidah and I fear your not a true sunni muslim but a wahabi who also claim to be a sunni. The real sunnies and the shias have diffrences indeed but the wahabi and deobandi folk are off the the rock!!!!
Dua E Kumayl can be recited if there is no contradiction to Ahle Sunnat Beliefs. We also read Nade Ali Shareef. Infact this fakeer recites it daily Al Hamdulillah.
I cannot find a transliteration of this dua, or a copy in english. I don't read arabic and unfortunately cannot ask anyone to read it for me as there are no muslims nearby. Insh'Allah someone can direct me to a copy; this is an old post and I'm unsure if anyone is still "out there" so to speak. Jazak'Allah.
I cannot find a transliteration of this dua, or a copy in english. I don't read arabic and unfortunately cannot ask anyone to read it for me as there are no muslims nearby. Insh'Allah someone can direct me to a copy; this is an old post and I'm unsure if anyone is still "out there" so to speak. Jazak'Allah.
jaushan kabir is amongst the best dua I ever came across after it will be dua jamil ,most of the two contains ismul azam n tis the reason its among the best...
I really wanted to ask u why did u turn sunni and leave shiat.
Why did u convert from shiat to sunni
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