I’ve written before on the blessed interaction between two of the greatest prophets, Muhammad and Musa (may Allah bless them both) during the Isra/Miraj journey of our Prophet (saw). Indeed we greatly revere and assign a lofty status to Prophet Musa (as), whose amazing tale begins in his infancy when he was miraculously rescued from the clutches of Pharaoh and ends with his flustered attempts to return Bani Israil to the Promised Land.
But at the same time, we proudly realize that our very own Prophet (saw) has a standing before Allah (swt) that is unmatched. And this subtle difference between the two is further substantiated by the Word of Allah (swt).
First let us examine how Allah (swt) discusses His meeting with these two special Prophets.
When we hear from a dear, old friend who may happen to be passing through our locality, we will eagerly rush to him and take him by the hand back to our home in our best attempt to honor and respect him. And when another acquaintance contacts us wishing to see us, we may simply arrange for a meeting at some convenient location and ask him to come at a certain time. The latter is not rude or impolite – it’s just that the former approach is reserved for the select few.
When Allah (swt) referenced our Prophet’s Night Journey, He revealed:
Glorified be He who transported His servant by night (17:1)
It is Allah (swt) Himself who sent for the Prophet. He dispatched a most unique escort and guide (Angel Jibril) with an even more unique means of transport (Buraq). And most important of all, Allah (swt) brought the Prophet (saw) to Him, in the highest heavens where even Jibril could not enter.
On the other hand, notice how Allah (swt) narrates the blessed meeting with Musa (as):
And when Musa came to the appointed place (7:143)
Allah (swt) set a time and place, not in the Heavens but on Earth, and Musa came there on his own, without any fanfare or pomp.
Then later we read about a special prayer made by Prophet Musa:
(Musa) said “Oh my Lord, expand my chest (heart)” (20:25)
When first assigned the momentous task of prophethood, Prophet Musa made this special dua’a, seeking Divine assistance in fulfilling the weighty responsibility. He asked his Lord to enable his heart to receive all the knowledge and wisdom of prophethood while also strengthening it against the slander and attacks of his enemies.
But then we look at our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the special treatment afforded him by Allah (swt):
Did We not expand your chest (heart)? (94:1)
Without ever having to ask, our Prophet was given this same special gift of spiritual expansion.
So, why am I saying all this?
After the single greatest blessing of our lives, namely our faith and the ensuing ability to know our Creator, the pride and joy of being of the ummah of Prophet Muhammad (saw), the Beloved of Allah (swt), is a close second.
And so, we should all rush during these last few moments of Ramadan to express our immense gratitude to Allah (swt) for this extraordinary blessing.